Chapter 144: LK II

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How can she propose so nonchalantly like that?

As if asking me what to eat for dinner.

I mean I wouldn't refuse... But I don't know if she said it on a whim or if she has somehow fallen in love with me?

Besides this marriage thing, I haven't earned enough money to be worthy of someone who could care for their own.

It's also embarrassing to face her because everything I've kept to myself would be exposed. If she does love me, I would feel compelled to tell her everything, everything I've felt over the years, how I hid it.

That was about a couple days ago, and I haven't talked to Na Li Jie as much.

Today I'm walking with Xiao Feng to the fields, and she giggles about every ten steps we take.

"What's the matter?" I stare from the corner of my eyes.

"Kai Gege, do you know that Xin Jiejie has a lover?"

I stop walking and turn to her. "Lover?"

She nods. "Mm! It was so cute. The other day she asked me to teach her how to be a good wife!"

My Na Li Jie? Asking others to teach her how to be a good wife? A good wife to who?

My heart is racing and my palms releasing an abnormal amount of sweat.

Can she really be into me? Or has a life of non-sword fighting led her to lose her mind?

"Don't you think she would be a good wife for Brother Wong?" Xiao Feng distracts me with her question.

"Brother Wong?"

"Such a pity his wife passed, leaving him alone with the children. If Xin Jiejie could become a mother in their lives, it would make things better for them."

"Why would my sister be interested in Brother Wong?"

"Huh? I don't know. They make a good pair, don't you think? In our village, he's the closest to her age and is available. If they get married, it would be a wonderful celebration!"

"Just-- Has she told you she was interested in him?"

"Not to me. My Auntie is the matchmaker in the village. She's talked to Brother Wong about it, and Xin Jiejie was seen making conversation with him yesterday. You can't tell me something's not happening!"

Xiao Feng's talking is giving me a headache. This is so confusing. Why would Na Li Jie ask to marry me and then run off to be with Brother Wong?

The sun sits above the horizon at dusk. I make my way to the city again for work.

Earlier I saw Na Li Jie talking to Brother Wong. So it is true that she has taken a liking to him, even the children are over.

"Lu Kai, where are you going?" Na Li Jie asks.

I reply, "Out."

"Oh children, listen! If you don't behave, the monster will come and take you away!"

I turn to leave but hear her ordering the children in a soft tone. Not like her usual self at all. She is a strict person and doesn't like children because children are too free-spirited. I know this best about her, having been her junior at Crimson Snow Valley.

After hearing her scary story, they took it as a game and screamed loudly. I hope that her tolerance for disorder increases if she plans to marry Brother Wong.

Late one night, the heat makes it unbearable. I take off my white undershirt, exposing my chest to the humid air.

About to drift off to sleep, I hear what sounded like the call of a ghost, "Kaaaaiii Aaahh... Kaaaii Aahh."

I hear it! It's so close to my ears. Has a ghost followed me home?

"Hey, Lu Kai," Na Li Jie slams the bed with her palm.

The noise scares me and I sit up. "Ah! What are you doing?"

"I was just wondering if..."

What? What is she doing? Suddenly undoing her shirt and showing me her skin. Na Li Jie must be drunk and wants to take advantage of me! I must protect her virtue even if she's not in the right mind.

I lie back down and turn away from her. "I'm so tired. I want to sleep. If you had a nightmare, just lie on the floor."

I pretend to snore loudly so she would think I had fallen asleep. She doesn't stay around long, and leaves the room.

Returning home from the city, I see Na Li Jie has cooked a meal and was waiting for me.

"Xiao Kai. Come have dinner." She waves me over.

"You made all this?"

Proudly, she announces, "Yeah, have a seat."

"I actually bought dinner for us..."

The truth is Xiao Feng has been gifting me with food. Lunch when I help her family out in the fields, and then dinner when I depart for the Xing Gan Pavilion. I don't feel right keeping the meals to myself and so I always share it with Na Li Jie.

"You did what?"

She seems annoyed. "Are you mad?"

Surprisingly, she doesn't lecture me. "No. Not at all. Let me clear the table. I'll bring out some of the rice wine for us too."

We eat in silence after switching out the dishes. Na Li Jie brings out her wine, pouring the liquid into a cup, she hands it to me.

She's never poured wine for me before. Usually I would be the first to offer.

"You've been acting weird lately," I told her.

"I have?"

"Yeah. Really weird."

"Well, you've been aloof this entire month."

"Only because you've been acting strange."

"I haven't been acting strange. I'm only preparing myself."

"For what? Marriage?" I scoff. "Xiao Feng told me. You're getting lessons from her to prepare for marriage? Is that why you've been practicing? Using me as some sort of practice?"

"No! No, I didn't." Her eyebrows furrowed with displeasure.

"Well, I'm sure Wong Lei Tian will appreciate your efforts. I guess without you around, I'll have to get used to Xiao Feng's cooking."


"This is Xiao Feng's cooking. She packs me a lunch every time I help her father work the fields. I don't know why she's been packing me dinner as well."

"This... is Xiao Feng's cooking?"


She slams her palms on the table, standing furiously. "Do you accept anyone's food? Accept anyone who smiles at you? Don't you think you're being a little bit too promiscuous?"

Promiscuous?! Promiscuous?! I'd never done anything to be considered promiscuous! This whole time I've been faithful-- Anyway, why is she so upset?

"Why are you getting so worked up?" I ask.

"If you want me to leave that badly, so you can marry Liu Xiao Feng, all you have to do is tell me. I won't get in your way."

She leaves to her room, shutting the door.

Marry Xiao Feng? Why would Na Li Jie want me to marry Xiao Feng when she was the one who asked to marry me? And then suddenly she's moved on to Brother Wong? She's-- She's taking this too far!

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