Chapter 120: Fifth Life - Your Pain is Long-Awaited Punishment

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My fate really is cursed.

Every one of my lifetimes have led me to this point. The point of an undeserving death!

Why, yes! Marriage to me is a certain death.

That's why I snuck out from the village before Yang Zi Huo could stop me. Telling him I had to go the bathroom and then made my way to the stables.

Of course, the carriage driver didn't want to drive me anywhere. He still wanted to drink the night away in celebration of the festival. When he saw my last gold tael, he got on his carriage fast and eagerly awaited my instructions.

I slept for awhile on the ride. Awaking, I notice the shades of the sunrise penetrating through the carriage's paper windows.

The horses neigh loudly, stomping their feet. I fall out of my seat. The carriage driver yells as though he is going to meet his doom. A large shadow casts on the carriage curtain.

There is a raw stench. Like frozen meat. I swing the curtain open to see a half man, half demon about to consume the carriage driver.

Its scaly, green tail is that of a snake, wrapped around the carriage driver's waist. Its long tongue slithers in and out of its mouth. Long hair covers the demon's pale face.

Instincts kick in. The Meteor Sword appears in my hand. Aiming the tip at the snake demon's head, I focus all of my strength on killing it. The snake demon sees my attack, and evades it, still keeping a tight hold on the carriage driver.

I can take that demon. I can.

I remember the Distant Sword Tactic. It's been a long time since I've used it, but I can perform the technique to stun the snake demon.

Formulating the entirety of my inner powers into a source of energy inside the Meteor Sword, I slice the air in the snake demon's direction. To avoid being sliced in half, it drops the carriage driver.

I race over the the carriage driver and yell, "Get out of here now!"

I didn't have to tell him twice. He runs back toward the village without his carriage. Probably isn't his priority now.

"You aren't so helpless, are you little one?" Its voice is eerily smooth.

"And you aren't so intimidating yourself."

"Yang Zi Huo's new play thing, are you? You will be a fun meal."

His mouth stretches open and his fangs are the first thing I see. He is fast. He tries to bite my arm, but I avoid him by jumping back.

"You're a fun chase!" He says.

His tail whips around. It slaps against my waist causing me to falter over. I'm able to fix my stance as he deforms into a more human like form.

His tail morphs into legs. A green robe of tattered cloth falls over his body. Effortlessly, he walks toward me. His fangs poke out from the deranged smile on his face.

Using the Meteor Sword to shield myself, I warn him, "If you're after me because of Yang Zi Huo, let me tell you that you're making a mistake."

He doesn't care to pause his steps.

I continue, "I'm nothing to that blue fire demon as he is to me."

"I don't care. I wanna eat you."

He lunges at me with his hands. I use the Meteor Sword to block him, but his sharp nails slides in conflict with my blade. We fight continously as I block and he advances. After awhile I could feel my strength lessening.

Every Lifetime I Fall {COMPLETED but undergoing revisions}Where stories live. Discover now