Chapter 151: KSG III

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Three days later, I return to Teacher Lu's clinic in the country.

This time I didn't bring Xiao Xi along.

A young male I didn't meet the last time greets me at the entrance and leads me to meet with Teacher Lu.

"Greetings, Teacher Lu."

"Oh, Lord Kong. You're here." He sets down a book on his desk and takes a seat. "Please sit down."

I do as he say. Eager to hear Teacher Lu's solution to revive Senior Sister, I try to maintain my composure. We cannot expect the first remedy to be the final answer.

"Have you heard of the Ruby of Eternal?"

"Ruby of Eternal?"

I have heard of it. A mythical gem said to be able to cure all ailments only bestowed to mortals from the hands of a god.

"From my research the pass few days... I couldn't help it but think of this," Teacher Lu stands with a long sigh.

Pulling a decrepit thick book from the pile of manuals, Teacher Lu opens it to the page of accentuated red.

The pointed ruby rises from the book, forming a projected image in the air.

"Teacher Lu, this is..." I'm captivated by the glowing ruby and its sharp edges.

"The Ruby of Eternal. It can not only cure all disease but also repair one's soul."

Soul repairing?

"How can something like this exist? Can a Immortal God's power really restore one's shattered soul?"

"Through sacrifice an Immortal God's generosity will be fulfilled."

"How would we ever get our hands on something like this?"

"Lord Kong, you have the means at Invigorating Essence and within yourself."

"What do you mean, Teacher Lu?"

Teacher Lu stands with hands behind his back. He walks to the side of the room, his back turned. "When you were the last surviving of the Kong lineage, wasn't it your Uncle Gao who took you in?"

"Yes. Uncle Gao brought me to Invigorating Essence when I was three-years-old."

The Kongs used to be a powerful family who practiced medicine alongside Invigorating Essense. We internalized the integrity of peace and sacrifice, carrying oneself with honor. However for generations the Kongs have suffered with early deaths and less offsprings to carry on the name. Some people have even said that we were cursed. To avoid tarnishing our reputation and implicating Invigorating Essence, my ancestors went into seclusion. I was then all alone at only three-years-old. Uncle Gao took pity on me and decided to take me in. He wasn't bothered about what others said, that I was from a cursed family.

Senior Sister and Uncle Gao... They treated me like family. Graciously taught me how to practice medicine and cultivate. Gave me a warm home and allowed me endless support. I will do what it takes to return my gratefulness.

"Lord Kong, do you know why your family went into seclusion?" Teacher Lu asks.

"I do."

"Then you must know the truth to your family heritag."

"Yes. It was mostly speculation but I've always known. Uncle Gao has sealed my powers for this very reason."

Teacher Lu doesn't a word as he turns around to face me.

Teacher Lu finally says, "He did it to protect you."

"I know."

After discussing in detail about the next steps in during Senior Sister, I bid Teacher Lu farewell.

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