Chapter 55: The Underworld - Leaving

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We entered the huge wooden gates into the Underworld. Lining up behind souls, I was eager to meet my new Soul Case Manager. Gao Yi Fei quietly followed behind.

"Name?" The guard asked.

"Luo Na Li."

"Go on."

The guards wasn't paying close attention while he called the next person, and I held onto Gao Yi Fei's hand as a force pulled me forward. Gao Yi Fei and I went on by in a flash.

Standing in front of a desk, we waited for my Soul Case Manager to call us. The case manager didn't appear and after a few minutes of waiting, I grew impatient .

"Gao Yi Fei, you sit and wait for me." I pushed her shoulders down into the chair and told her to wait for me patiently while I tried to find my new Soul Case Manager.

Approaching a crowd of people around a desk, I tapped a case manager on the shoulder. He turned around holding a cup in his hand.

"It's you?" He said with a reluctant smile.

"Ji Nian!"

The crowd of case managers turned to look at us.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I should be asking you!" He countered.

"It's been three hundred years. I'm out."

"Oh? It has?"

"Where's my new case manager? Hasn't even showed up."

"Case managers, always running late, am I right, guys?" He turned to the others, and they laughed at the inside joke.

He continued. "I say a late Soul Case Manager is worse then one who manages reformed souls. They have the worst temperaments!" The others nodded, agreeing with his remarks.

"Uh. Okay?"

"Come on, come on. Let this older brother help you, little soul." He pushed me away while following behind.

I returned to the desk with Gao Yi Fei staring at me. This time her face was a little expressive. Her eyebrows wrinkled with a tint of worry, perhaps afraid I abandoned her.

"Who's the shameless Soul Case Manager that owns this desk?" I turned to Ji Nian, pointing at the desk like an angry customer.

Ji Nian froze in his tracts. His eyes grew big. His cup of dark liquid almost spilling out.

"This is a joke," he said.


"This is my desk, all right?!" He hissed.

"Oh? So you're that late Soul Case Managers that manage reformed souls?" I teased.

"Shut it! Shut it!" He banged his desk and sat down.

"Wow, what are the chances... You're my Soul Case Manager again."

"Let's just say I have terrible luck."

"Yes, you do because so do I. Hey, so all those times you've kept me waiting, you were out joking and conversing with other case managers while drinking dark dirt?" I accused. Many times, I'd waited for Ji Nian to come do his job.

"It's not dark dirt! Imbecile... You wouldn't understand. It's a luxury drink called CA-FEI."

Peering his sight over to Gao Yi Fei, he straightened his posture and cleared his throat.

"And who is this very beautiful woman?"

"She's Gao Yi Fei. I met her in purgatory and brought her here."

Widened eyes, Ji Nian whispered, "You broke out an extremely attractive sinned soul from purgatory, are you crazy?!"

"She hasn't sinned or at least I think not. She's not completely dead."

"What are you saying?"

"When I was alive in my second lifetime, Gao Yi Fei was still alive but in a coma. Her soul probably traveled here when she used it in a spell to overcome the Demon Lord."

"Well, maybe she's died all the time you were in purgatory."

"But her soul... This part of her soul is docile and dim witted. She doesn't understand anything. You can't tell me once a soul is in the Underworld, they would remain so desolate."

"I'll make a report of this and further your claim for the Investigative Branch. As for now, why don't you just keep Gao Yi Fei with you?"

"All right. I promised to get her back to her body, so I'll watch over her."

"Tsk... who told you to make such promises you can't keep... worry about yourself," Ji Nian muttered quietly.

"What was that?"'


Excitedly, I clapped my hands loudly together, "What about me, Ji Nian? What about me? Can I go back and reincarnate?"

He rolled his eyes, "In ten years."

"Ten years?"

So much waiting again.

"Do you want to go back right now? As a chicken? Snail?"

Meekly, I replied, "No..."

"What? You want to meet him again?"

My gaze fell to the ground, and my excitement disappeared as my heart thumped tumultuously.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Look... I know you blame him for a lot of things that's happened in your lives. If you want him to stay away from you this point forward, there is something I can do. He will be barred from entering your lifetimes, but know that this is irreversible."


I don't want to ever love Wu Yi Huai again. I've despised him for a long time. Kong Shuguang was gentle, but he used me. However, Lu Kai... he was always the sweetest and most innocent.

"Think it over."

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