Chapter 56

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I'm not really sure what to do in this situation, its not really one that most people find themselves in, and I hope to never find myself in again.

Cain is off me and shifting back into his wolf snarling at the 5 approaching wolves. Considering I'm now the only naked person here, I decided to shift back into my wolf, praying that she manages to behave after her recent performance.

As soon as I'm shifted, Cain barges past me and stands directly in front of me, kind of like he's protecting me. Surely not! This Alpha couldn't care less about my welfare; it's far too late to begin now.

I take a little peek over his shoulder, 4 wolves I don't recognise, and however, 1 very dark grey wolf I do. I first met him round about when I was 15, when there was a gathering for the new Alphas in the area, before his pack went Rogue. He's the Luna Moore's Delta, Kyle. He's the one that Cain has been looking for.

I have no idea what's going on with the Luna Moore pack, or what Kyle is up to out here, as no ones tells me anything, but the fact that everyone is snarling and snapping their teeth at each other, its clearly not going to be good. I hope Cain's ready to take on these 5, because I'm not in any position to help, but he must have known that coming out here, that it would be a possibility that we would have run into these guys. Did he plan this?

Apparently I don't have a choice what goes on, the whole group take their chance and charge at Cain and I. Everything seems to happen so quickly, but I seem to be separated from Cain and am left to take on the Delta, while he is left with worse odds.

After the whole ordeal of today, fighting really wasn't at the top of my list to do, but still I fight back. I try to use the environment to help me; it would take a lot of strength and energy for me to take on Kyle, and I'm not even at my best, I'm literally running on empty at the moment. There are small cliffs everywhere, even though I just fell down one, I'm going to have to go near the edge to try and use his weight against him.

Trying to get a wolf to follow you isn't hard, especially when he's trying to kill you, I make a break for it and run, Kyle hot on my heels. When I find the perfect spot, I slam the breaks on and turn round to face him.

He comes to a stop a couple of feet away from me, and rather than attack me he does something I was unprepared for. He sniffs the air and lets out a small howl – he's issuing a mating call to me.

What the actually fuck, not on your life sunshine is that going to happen!

Even my wolf doesn't seem impressed with this wolfs ideas. Finally its something we have in common, she wants to go back to Cain, and that's where the mutual ideas end.

He runs up to the side of me, not paying proper attention to the surrounding environment, and he gets to close to the snow covered edge. It begins to crumble under his weight. Well that's one wolf down; I wonder how Cain's getting on. I don't manage to get far, as I feel a set of jaws wrap round my back leg, I dig my claws into the ground as best as I can, but the snow doesn't help me grip, but then neither does the dead end weight of a Delta wolf. I've already been over one cliff today, and that's a perfectly acceptable number to have in you life, I force my 3 legs to pull myself forward. Kyle is scrambling at the back; he's pulling me all over the place. In the end it's enough for me to completely loose my grip and go back over the edge with him.

I don't get much time to create a plan to save my life, only a couple rolls down; I smash my head against the cliff. Searing pain shoots through my skull, my eyes temporary flashing to get them back into focus. Barely a few seconds later, I hit the bottom and roll a few more times in the snow. I come to a complete stop and just try to analyse my injuries. My brain feels like it shook in my head from the impact, my eyes can't focus, there's a ringing in my ears, I feel sick to my stomach and I'm positive I can feel blood running down my face with an open wound somewhere on my head. Basically, I'm in poor shape. Here's to hoping Cain's finished with his 4, and he's going to come and get me in the next 2 seconds.

My senses mange to come back sharpish when I see Kyle stalking over to me, I'm hoping he didn't take that personally, in fact he walked near the edge, I didn't actually do anything, so technically its not my fault, if he wasn't paying attention to my heat it wouldn't of happened.

I try my best to get up to my four feet. As I stand my body begins to sway, I lock my legs to stop myself from toppling over back into the snow. When I'm balanced I lift my head, but rather wishing I didn't. Kyle is literally right along side me, if I move one of my legs, I know ill go straight back down. So I brace and wait to see what's going to happen, he could easily kill me here, but he's not.

Kyle comes up closer to me, and rubs his side against mine, ever so gently to not push me too hard, then proceeds to the other side, where he rubs up against me again. He's mixing our scents, but I don't understand why. 

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