Chapter 37

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The 'small' argument didn't go well between us, in the event, I might have clawed down Ronan's chest but it was only because he wouldn't let go. Then loads of other wolves turned up and started moaning about how I shouldn't of attacked the stand in Alpha and I should of done as requested, and I shouldn't of put up a fight when the others tried to restrain me, and maybe I shouldn't of punched Noah, but he's had it coming for a while.

Looking back on today's events, I think I should have changed a few things, but not all of it. The marks on Ronan will heal, Noah's face will heal, and I'm still stuck down in the cells for misbehaving. And I'm going to miss out on tonight's party, which is the cause of all this drama.

Every now and then a patrol guard comes in and checks that all the cells inmates are ok and no one has killed someone. Apparently I should thank my Beta for being nice and putting me in my own cell away from the few captured rogues and other mystical beings. I'm surprised he cared.

I really want to go to this party, I need a bit of fun after the drama I've had today, but I'm not going to be walking straight out of this cell without the key.

"Luna Kara, the Alpha wants to let you know he will be back in a few days and will sort out this mess"

"I am not ... "

Wait a minute, Luna? This could play in my favour if Cain has told his men that I'm his Luna, maybe ill be getting out of his sooner than I thought.

"What's your name?"

He stands at attention, how cute is he looking all professional.

"My name Luna, is Derek Simmonds"

A small smile comes along my face, he seems easy enough to manipulate

"Ah Derek, if you could be a dear and let me out, it's getting a bit boring in here for me now."

"I'm sorry Luna, but Beta Ronan has said under no circumstance am I to let you out."

Ok maybe he's not that dumb, and needs a bit more persuasion to let me out, I don't have a Luna voice, as I'm not one, but maybe I could try and bring my Alpha blood tone out a bit and see if this gets me what I want.

"As Luna of this pack, I order you to let me out, if you don't I will make sure Cain hears of your disrespect towards his mate!"

And as if by magic it's worked a treat, the door opens and he bows as low as he can, begging me not to tell Cain. Uh Cain, its nice to know that he will be back soon, can't wait.

The pack party in typically in the pack house, but I need to make my way towards the Alphas house to get changed. There's not a lot of people around, just a few patrols, the unlucky people who couldn't attend tonight. I walk straight into Cain's home and go up to my room, I can sense that Cain's dad, William is about but is the only one in the house. It suddenly comes to me that I haven't seen his mate, Vanessa, the whole time I've been here. I wonder where she is.

No time to think on it, I need to get in the shower and get dressed for tonight.

After my shower and I begin to dry my hair, that's when I notice that my shopping bags are at the end of my bed, maybe Ronan felt bad about his actions and brought them up for me.

My hair takes a little while to style, but it ends up in beautiful, bouncy curls. My bright red hair will look amazing against the dark green dress that I'm going to wear. I get in to my dress, and slip into my shoes.

That's it, I'm ready to have some fun!

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