Chapter 19

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Ronan, comes near me, I give a light growl, I'm not necessarily telling him to go away, just that I'm not sure of the situation, I'm in heat which he can probably tell and I can tell he's unmated, so this puts me in a position where I'm unsure of him.

He lifts his head up looking round, his ears flickering forward and backwards, we can both hear other wolves in the area, he's probably communicating with members of his pack, telling them where I am. Then it goes silent.

He told them I wasn't here? Why would he do that? He keeps his body low, trying to come over. I lift my head up off the floor, again giving a light growl. But he decides to completely ignore me. I keep my eyes fixed on him, I wouldn't be in a good position to defend myself, it he tried anything, but I would do so to the best of my ability.

Ronan walks around me, and rather that do anything a normal male would do, he lies down behind me. I'm very unsure of his intentions, but I must admit that I feel quite comfortable here, I feel safe, but my heat has calmed down a bit. I look over my shoulder and just see him staring at me; he then puts his head towards mine so our foreheads are touching. An overwhelming emotion comes over me, I don't know what to make of it, and so I look back round. I then feel the next worst thing; Ronan has licked the back of my neck where my scars are. I'm immediately up and turning round to look at him with an angry expression. He looks confused, but gets up anyway.

Again, there's a rustling in the bushes around us, I turn around to face it and out come another 2 wolves. One is a dark brown wolf who I've never met he must be the delta, the other a pitch black and its one I know far too well, Cain.

I start snarling, I'm surrounded by 3 unmated male wolves, which are quite high up in rank. Being in heat near them could send them into rut, where they could become more violent and easily angry trying to prove why they would be the better choice of mate. Ronan, who is still behind me, gives me a light shove to my back end towards his Alpha. How dare he! Even Cain doesn't take this well, he comes running over, and rather than tell his Beta off for coming near me, he makes a point by trying to mount me and claim me as his!

For obvious reasons, I don't take too kindly to this and try to spin round, but Cain has got a death grip round my hips. I keep spinning trying to get him off, I realise this isn't working, so I do the next best thing, I just lay down. He can't reach me if I lay down; I have to be standing for him to do anything, I mentally high five myself for thinking so logically at a time like this. Cain has let go off my body, but is now super angry that I have rejected his advances; I imagine he's not used to being told no, as I once did before.

Cain's wolf then had a horrid smirk on his face, what is he up too? He wolf leans over the back of me, didn't he learn anything in sex education, it doesn't work like that! He then leans down, and grabs the back of my neck and pulls as hard as he can.

Due to him pulling so hard, I'm up with lightning fast reflexes, he knows this is a sensitive spot for me and has tormented me with it on purpose. Cain seems shocked with how fast I'm up, so much so that he has accidently let go of me. I swing round to face him and begin my snarling again, he needs to get away from me, being in heat is putting ideas about him in my head and they're becoming hard to ignore, especially as he mounted me.

Cain is getting angry that I'm disrespecting him and not allowing him to do what he wants; he lifts his head up high and begins growling over the top of my head, he's trying to get me to submit to him! The bastard! I am an Alpha's daughter; I have alpha blood running through me, as does he. As if something in my mind has snapped, I do something I never thought I would be brave enough to do.

I lunge forward and have my jaw wrapped around Cain's throat!

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