Chapter 17

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I look my dad up and down, inhale and exhale, I put my hands to my face, and I let out a low giggle. I've finally lost the plot, the one man who was meant to look after me has thrown me to the wolves – literally speaking, and I've never been betrayed this harsh in all my life!

He goes to touch my arm; I strike back with my claws, catching his arm in the process, nothing bad, just a cut that bleeds a little bit through his white shirt that I have now ripped. I say in a dark and low voice:

"How could you, you knew what this would mean to me. To HIM, how could you"

I again point my finger, towards my 'new Alpha'

"How could you do this to me?!"

Now I lash out, I throw a punch towards my dad, catching him straight on the cheek; my dad prepares to retaliate for attacking him.

"Don't touch a member of my pack!"

Cain getting involved? He must love this, standing on the sidelines doing sweet fuck all other than looking smug. This time I really will wipe it off him!

I storm over to him, he puts his hands behind his back giving me a full opening to do whatever I want to him, but before I get there, his Beta stands in my path. I go to walk round him, but he follows my footsteps, blocking me from getting to my target.

Who does he think he is? This is nothing to do with him, I outrank him, even if I'm not a full member of his pack.

"Get out of my way!"

He looks down towards me, lifting up the corner of his lip and smirking at me.

"Sorry sweetheart, no can do"

I crouch down; I will get round him, I'm prepared to do whatever it takes. He too crouches down, ready to defend his Alpha

"Look you may be his Beta, but you're in my way, and I won't feel bad about rearranging that handsome face of yours"

He seems quite taken back by my reply, so much so that when I throw my hand towards him, he ... grabs it. I suddenly get a shock through my body, it confuses me too much that I need to get him to let go. While holding my hand, I take advantage of the situation, I lift my leg and kick right on the shin, causing him to drop to one knee and letting go of me. I lift my self onto his raised knee, and jump straight over his shoulder. As I hit the floor I see Cain even more impressed, still smiling and nodding his head. I take a step forward to run, and am restricted in my movements with the sparks going through my body again, I look round, and his Beta has me in a bear hug, and has picked me up off the floor. I stand there swinging my body as best as I can, he's far too strong for me to get out of this stupid hold, so I settle down and wait to be released. After a couple of seconds, he still doesn't let go off me, these sparks are bugging me and I want to be able to stand on my own two feet.

"Look, whoever you are, put me down now!"

Again, that amazing sound of his laugh comes through, who even is this guy?

"Very cute, but I don't trust you on the ground, you have a bit to much of a fiery attitude"

Cain suddenly growls, he seems decidedly unimpressed with the Beta's remark.

"That's enough Ronan; you can put her down, just keep an eye on her"

He does as he is told and releases me, the sparks disappearing; I feel alone, I want to be back in those big and protective arms. I shake my head out, I'm really not feeling right today, and maybe I'm coming down with something. Cain walks up to me, he's far to close, and makes me back straight up into the tank that is Ronan, he steadies me and holds his hands, very briefly, to my waist.

"Now little lady, get some bits packed, were leaving in 10 minutes"

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