Chapter 54

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For once in my life, I have no remark; I just stand there and allow the heat from his body and his Alpha pheromones to calm my heat down. At least he is useful for something I suppose.

"Let's just go"

Even though I let him know that I want to get going, Cain doesn't move, he just lets out little purrs, trying to appease to me. It's really not working with me; he gets the message when I force myself out of his grip.

I begin to walk as best as I can towards the woods, the cramps now getting worse the further I get away from Cain. At this rate I'm going to have to walk right next to him to even feel any form on normality. Its only then that I hear him shift by hearing his clothes ripping to pieces, I suppose it is a long way to the next pack so we would get there better being on four legs as I know the ground isn't the best heading up there. Rather than letting Cain see me naked, I just shift in my clothes, I don't care if they rip, I will just stay in wolf form the whole way there and back, and only turn back into my human form again when I'm behind closed and locked door and in the safety of my own room.

As soon as I'm fully shifted Cain takes off in a slow jog, obviously just expecting me to follow him. Which for the time being I do, I don't really see any other choice I currently have.

I'm more than surprised when I make it an hour into our journey. We've not had any breaks as we apparently don't have time for that, but we are now down to walking only but at a fast pace. Cain doesn't understand why I can't run at all with a burning sensation in my stomach, but it does make him feel better when I allow him (under protest) to walk next to me as it does make me feel a tiny bit better. But this only lasts a short amount of time.

Barely 10 minutes later, have my legs given up. We managed to make it high up into the snowy mountains in that time, the path is narrow and the hills are very steep. But it all proves too much for me in my heat. It's only as I let out a low whine and I collapse that Cain notices. And he instantly rushes back to me.

"Come on Kara get up, we can't stay in the middle of the mountains"

And whose bright idea was this in the first place? He was warned this would happen! But oh no, the Alpha is never wrong and knows best!

With no response from me, other than some heavy breathing to try and calm the pain down, he jumps over the top of me and comes up behind me to try and lift my back end from the ground.

"Seriously get up so I can help you through your heat"

Yeah, that's more like it, me and him all out in the open with no one to disturb him and me having no strength to fight back. It's the perfect opportunity for him with him being the only male around and my wolf looking for a mate to create pups with.

But on a serious note, I don't think I could get up on my own anyway, and even if I had the last bit of strength I wouldn't use it to stand up so he could mount me!

But on another serious note, If I just stay down, he could leave me here, which isn't a problem, but I could get attacked by god knows what and I'm in no position to defend myself, so with the biggest sigh I can let out, I will myself to get up. But as soon as I'm standing, I have to take and extra weight on my back from Cain mounting me.

"Get the fuck off me!"

Before he wraps his legs round me, I swing round as quick as I can to try and get free. Being on a narrow path with a mini cliff helps and he is forced to let me go.

"Just stand still and let me help you"

"I don't need that kind of help from you!"

We both end up snarling at each other, before I decide to make the first move. As I end up running towards him we both clash in a mess of fur, it's as if something in my mind snaps and I've finally had enough. I try anything, claws or teeth, to get some damage on him. I've lost my home, my old pack, my mate, all because this Alpha wanted what wasn't his. 

I make my biggest mistake when I go to put my foot down and realise I'm too close to the edge of the cliff and gravity begins to take me and Cain for a ride. 

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