Chapter 53

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You know in those times when you really don't want to do something, you walk as slowly as you possibly can? Well that's me right now, if I could walk backwards without anyone noticing to get away I probably would.

As soon as Cain finished his meeting, I was pretty much escorted out the building to the edge of the border with my Alpha and Beta.

This really doesn't help my current hormone issues either. Once Cain found out I'm using supplements to try and contain my heat symptoms, they were found and very quickly destroyed. Completely unnatural, according to him, as he prefers the scent of me being in heat. Such a weirdo!

"Cain are you sure this is a good idea? She won't get very far with the condition she's in"

Yes! Let's listen to Ronan, he doesn't have many good ideas but that is a really REALLY good idea.

"She'll be fine, she won't need to go too far, and if she has any problems I'm sure I'll be able to help her out along the way."

As he says the last few words he casually looks up at me and gives me a flirtatious wink. I try my best to keep my emotions down, I feel like today's not going to end well for me.

Mate- please shut up for a little while, I've barely heard of anything from my wolf in the years I've been alive, and now she's going too far with her insistent nagging.

I let out a puff of air, the stomach pains come back. I try to take deep breathes to somewhat control the pain as best as I can. I honestly don't think I will make it a mile before I collapse in agony. I lean one hand against the closest tree and the other to my stomach, praying for comfort.

"You can't take her like that; she's going to attract every unmated male wolf in the territory"

See, another good idea from Ronan, he knows what a stupid idea it is.

"If I didn't know any better, it almost seems like you care a bit too much towards your future Luna. Just because you slept with her, and you have this deluded idea of her being your mate. Get it out of your head, reject her now, and let's get on with this!"

"You told him everything?!"

I can't believe him, I can't believe he said everything, he might as well of told him what colour my underwear and shoes were that night. No wonder I was rushed through for testing.

"Kara, I'm sorry. I Ronan, Beta of the Royal Blood pack, reject you, Kara of the Royal Blood pack, as my mate"

Guilty, an emotion I was expecting to see, however its one I don't. Cowardice, that's what I see, a man who wont stand up for what he knows is right, I know he said he didn't want me, but I didn't think it would hurt this much. I've never felt pain like it, like my heart was ripped in two, we weren't that involved, and we didn't get to spend as much time together as I thought we would, but the bond ripping still hurts.

I refuse to let the tears fall, but from my body shuddering, they can clearly see the effect it has on me. I look away; I don't want them to see me now that I feel broken and used.

"Good, now head back to the pack, I assume we won't be gone for very long"

I hear one of the guys walk away, from the fading scent, I can tell its Ronan. I close my eyes, willing the tears not to come out. I don't know what I want to do now, i don't know if I want to go. Before I get to make a choice, Cain comes up behind me, pressing his whole front to the back of my body. One of his hands rests on my hip; the other comes round to press on my hand that lies on my stomach.

"Don't worry, well head over to the other pack, and when everything there is sorted, well come back and begin preparations for our mating" 

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