Chapter 29

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I practically pace my room all afternoon; I'm so excited to have a training partner, in a new pack. I might actually learn something new here, or I might get so distracted and end up flat on my face or backside where I'm not paying attention. Hopefully I won't be drooling over him too much.

It's getting quite late now, it's nearly midnight, I take that as the time to go downstairs and try to find this indoor gym, but first I need to master all the tricky corridors. I know how to make my way to the kitchen – obviously, and where the front door is, but the rest is a mystery. Maybe it's best to find the kitchen and go from there.

Surprisingly this tactic pays off. As I make my way downstairs there are not as many corridors and the room is bigger. When I find the indoor swimming pool, I just assume that the gym is down here somewhere.

And bingo! I've found it, all on my own too. I quietly go through the door, just in case anyone else is in here, but it's my lucky day, its just Ronan. He looks like he's been here for a little while, the amount of weights he's currently lifting shocks me, just how strong is he?

And to my shock, he's got no t-shirt on, which is like a magnet for my eyes, he's starting to sweat a bit, which shows his muscle definition off even more. Oh my god, he's just perfect, I could literally stare for hours upon hours. It only when he coughs that I blink my self out of my trance.

"Erm, hi"

Its clearly obvious that he caught my staring, no point in trying to hide it now, and that cute little smile on his face. He's so dreamy – god I think bond needs to calm down, I feel like a school girl with her first crush.

"Well there's no point beating round the bush, lets get right too it"

Wow, he's eager, not that I'm complaining, I'm ready for this. Ready to be as close as I possibly can to him.

"So today, all I want to see is what you can do. All you've got to do is pin me."

Pin him? Has he seen the size difference between us, it would take an arctic lorry full force to ... maybe I'm going about this the wrong way, hmmmm. Maybe I should clarify something's before I put my plan on him.

"Are there any rules to go with this challenge?"

"Ha challenge, there's no rules, just no kneeing the balls"

Perfect, this will be hopefully quite easy, providing I can get enough strength in my leg to knock him down.

"Ok you ready for this Beta"

I say this in such a way to try and antagonise him, he has a higher up position here, so hopefully that will flatter his ego. He folds his arms, and just keeps that smile on his face, he won't be expecting this. He appears calm, but I can feel the tension in the air, he's ready for whatever I throw at him.

I walk up to him slowly, I'm not appearing threatening at all, I just walk up and rock my hips for added affect, which clearly works because he looks directly at them. I then lift up my left hand and run my index finger across his chest, sparks flying up my arm and into my body, the bond is really going for it tonight. I walk very slowly round his body, with my finger still running along his chest. Ronan keeps his eye on me, but he has relaxed ten fold, so that will make my next bit a whole lot easier now he's relaxed.

As I make it round his back, his breathing begins going shallow, if I'm feeling these sparks there's no doubt he is too, and he's probably forgotten what he's actually defending for. I'm now approaching his left shoulder, time for my party trick. With his eyes fully glued into mine, he doesn't even see me drop to the floor and swing my leg to take both of his out, then I rise as quick as possible and apply all the strength I can onto his shoulder to push him to the floor.

I quickly straddle him, and put my weight down through my hands onto his chest. He looks so dazed that he doesn't say anything. I might just have to keep this up as he seems more distracted than me. I lean down towards his ear


I say it in the sultriest voice I can. I am proper enjoying tonight's training session haha.

As I begin to bring my head back up, with one hand Ronan hold onto the back of my head, the other on my hip. Well this is a bit of a compromising position, not that I'm complaining at all. 

The Alpha's Beta (BOOK 1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें