Chapter 13

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I walk up the stairs to get a change of work out clothes, and a hair band so I can tie my hair out of my face.

I grab a jacket from the down stairs cupboard just in case. As I go past my dad's office, I catch the Beta's enticing smell. UH seriously how do people cope with their lives, I don't even know him. I decide I really should get out the house before I go back in there. Once outside my house I'm face to face with Cain's car, now I know it's his, I have this strange idea that I need to get my claws our and run it down the side of his car, I could maybe let all the air out of his tyres too?

I decide to be the bigger person, something that he knows nothing about, and just leave the car, ill just have to imagine myself doing it and get the satisfaction from that.

How I made it to the work out arena, ill never know, I just had those beautiful eyes in my mind, imagining those huge manly arms wrapped round me - seriously what's wrong with me?! I've never had feelings like this about anyone.

I need to get my head out the clouds and focus on where I'm walking; I'm already at the training arena and just looking for Thomas.

After a few seconds, I can see him on the training mats; he's fighting against a guy called Sid, which happens to be Tim's friend. It looks like I've joined the last part of the fight; Sid's clearly had enough and can't stop his nose bleed, so he retires which makes Tim the clear winner. He starts making his way over to me, everyone is gasping; I'm pushed violently from behind.

I go forward a few steps to regain my balance before looking round to see who's life is about to be ended.

"You think you're that good, do ya! Just because you're the alphas daughter you think you don't have to train as hard as everyone else, I bet I could have you as easy as anything!"

That's it! Chloe has been asking for it for a few weeks now, just little words here and there and I've just been ignoring her which has clearly made it worse, now she's getting a bit too hands on. She thinks she's the best female fighter here, but because our Beta tells her she's yet to fight me, she can't be classed as the best, and he refuses to let it happen.

"Chloe, just drop it and go find a log to piss on"

I don't want to fight anyone today; I'm not in the mood as I most recently have someone else on my mind today. I'd still kick her arse regardless, but I just can't be bothered.

I then get an agonising pain in my head; she actually stooped so low as to pull my hair, something I would expect from a two year old.

She makes me jump from the shock, but I'm quick to retaliate with an elbow to the face. I catch her just next to her eyebrow, the impact splitting the skin bad; blood starts to flow gently down her face. I smile with satisfaction, ok bitch bring that shit on.

People start screaming with excitement. A crowd is beginning to form round us. Uncle Ryan is quick to come over and tell people to back up and make room. He sees the state were both in, knowing were both not going to back down until one is clearly the winner.

Once Chloe has regained her senses, she looks at me with dark black eyes, she's angry. Well clearly as the 2 year old she is – she started it!

We being circling, out the corner of my eye, I see my dad, Cain and his Beta come over, as if I didn't need a distraction to come over me now. They're not interfering; they're just here to watch.

I feel a sudden urge come over me, I'm going to anyway, but I feel the need to win this fight.

Chloe you're going down! 

The Alpha's Beta (BOOK 1)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora