Chapter 18

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I storm straight past him, catching him purposely in his rock hard shoulder. He doesn't offer to stop or correct my disrespect, he's probably just happy that I'm walking in the direction he wants. Or so he thinks.

I head up to my room and slam my door for effect, he gave me 10 minutes to pack, and that should be plenty of time for my escape and make my way to a new pack for sanctuary. Maybe I'll head to the Murdock pack, or the Silver Dales, Alpha Steve and Luna Tracey always liked me at meetings and Tracey always commented that she'd love me as a daughter; maybe I could literally take her up upon her word.

I quietly open my big window and look round, with all the commotion happening at the front of the house, there's no one around, perfect. I get up on the unit and stand up, I purposely planted a tree outside my window when I was younger so I could escape in case there was a house fire, and I suppose it can have a second use now too. I easily grab the tree and make my way down. As soon as I hit the floor, I'm off in wolf form, I need to start putting the miles down before that ignorant alpha realises I'm missing.

I make my way as hard and as fast as I can towards a river, it's the best way to lose my scent and considering it's turned into the Sahara desert out here, it will help me cool down, or so I hope. Trying to run across pack territories whilst i avoid rogues is one thing, but deciding to do it while coming into heat is another.

For the past year I've been having a heat a month, the pack doctor puts it down to the fact that my mate was in the area and didn't come forward to claim me or because I'm an Alpha's daughter who is "coming of age" basically ready to mate and have pups, that's not going to happen anytime soon. I've been given tablets to try and limit the symptoms the best they can, I still get pain but it's sometimes bearable, but the doctor thinks it will only truly subside once I've been mated and marked by my mate.

I find the river and dive right in; I come out the other side and run down along side it. I know the Silver Dales is in this direction, I just need to stay to the river till I get to the border, then change direction.

Every now and then I jump back in the water to mask my scent. I pass a few patrols of people, none stopping to ask what I'm doing, which I'm relieved for. I make it to the border. I take a look back, this is probably the last time I will see my home, god would I miss it and the friends I have made here.

I turn in the other direction and start walking away. I need to walk for a bit, I've been running the whole time, and the pain is now starting to get to me. I start to huff and puff, I need to lie down, my heat is really putting me in danger now.

I force myself through it, I must keep walking. At this rate, I won't make it before night fall, and I don't fancy my chances in the forest at night in a full blown stupid heat, stupid moon, stupid men!

I hear a howl in the distance, they're not far behind me, well Cain's men, I can't see him coming out here and getting his posh shoes dirty.

I can't do this anymore, I stop in my tracks, I'm now in agonising pain, I have my head between my front legs, trying to get any air into my lungs. I have no choice I need to lay down for a bit

I hear a rustle in the trees, I know I've been discovered, but I can't move. Something is shouting at me in my head to stay still.

The bushes part way, there stands, the most amazing looking wolf I've ever seen. He's a grey wolf, looking like one of the sort you would find in the wild, not a single hair out of alignment, and a pair of striking blue eyes.

I lift my head to catch his scent. It Cain's Beta, Ronan. 

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