Chapter 21

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Mate? Really? I knew you'd start to feel sparks of when mates touched, to obviously help you get along a lot more, but I never thought id find my mate in a situation like this ... wait a minute!

"If you're my mate, why didn't you help me, when Cain mounted me and had his jaws wrapped round my throat, some mate you are!"

His wolf lets out a little chuckle

"If I had called him out on it, not only would he probably have me killed for the idea of it, he would most likely of killed you for being linked to me, now hold still why I fix your leg"

He slowly bends down, and begins to lick my leg, I don't know what type of magic this is, but I can feel it getting better. I lift my paw up more, and he begins licking that too. I look down and see all the blood drying up and healing over. This mate bond is something else.

Once he's finished, we both just look at each other, completely star struck.

"Now as much as I'm enjoying having a staring contest, we really need to get you to a pack doctor, unless you want me to help you with your heat?"

His wolf gives me the biggest smirk; I return his smirk with a low growl, its really not going to happen. I walk straight past him, back in the direction of my pack.

The journey back is nothing exciting, we come across Jake who was waiting by the outskirts to the pack border and all make our way to the pack hospital.

As we get there, again there are always spare clothes for the idiots like me, who take off and insist they know best about what they're going to do when they get somewhere else. We all grab what is needed and make our way to somewhere to get changed.

I put the spare clothes on, and come out of the changing rooms; both Ronan and Jake are standing and waiting.

"I'm not exactly going to run off you know"

They both look towards each other, with arms folded, then look back to me. Wow, Ronan's muscles on his chest flexing, and his biceps getting larger as his crosses him arms. Oh yeah, I might of walked off already this evening, no wonder they're still watching me.

I manage to get a doctor to see me easily, being the Alphas daughter does have some privileges. Jake stays outside, while Ronan insists on coming in with me, like seriously I'm not going to jump out of the window again.

"Good evening Kara, what can I help you with?"

She looks over my shoulder, she seems a bit uncomfortable with Ronan being behind me, but offers me a seat anyway, which I gladly take.

"I need the tablets to keep my heat under control"

She nods her head, and gets up to head to the cupboard to get the necessary drugs out. She looks back towards me,

"I just need to do some checks to make sure you're fit and well, before I can administer anything"

The checks don't take long at all; simple things like blood pressure, temperature and a blood sample are the things she takes.

She looks over the reading from the blood test, and comes back to me with the verdict.

"There seems to be a few issues with your results, compared to last month's readings. You appear to be in a higher form of heat, which is mostly found in wolves that have their mate around them, I can give you the tablets, and an injection now but I honestly don't know how well they will work. At the end of the day your body is doing what nature intended, and the only way to calm your heat down is by mating. Being marked by your mate will also reduce your heat"

"Wait, wait, wait ... so what your saying is, if I don't get marked and mated soon, my heats are going to get worse?!"

My life it literally in her hands to say that I'll be fine and that she will have a stronger pill that will help me, I mean how bad could it be?

"I'm sorry Kara, but that's true, you will need to be quick with a decision, theses tablets may work this time and maybe the next, but they won't work forever. You've been on them for over a year now, I can't stop nature's path. Not only that, with your heat getting worse, its going to be more painful and sooner or later your wolf will most likely take over to find a mate"

I put my head in my hands, maybe I should haveinsisted on Ronan being outside, I'm sure he's loving this talk! I don't think I'mready for any step with him.

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