Chapter 43

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I am dragged back violently, the shear amount of power Noah demonstrated seemed uncanny in revelation to his drunken state. I claw at the wooden floor, my flawed nails failing me, unable to comprehend any friction from the smooth glossy floor. My heart beat furiously, pumping as much oxygen to my cells as my breathing became shallower. Unable to comprehend my surrounding, my vision darkened, a kind mercy prevailed upon me, a clear blessing, saving me of what was to come. I knew it; I knew what was to come!

My innocence and purity would be taken away from me, by force, an aspect of which I had preserved for so long, a physical and spiritual aspect that formed a schism between me and the other girls of modern day society, but soon, that would all change, all these years gone for waste, preserved for marriage, only to be forced away from me out of wedlock.

My eyes caved in, darkness began to take me, suddenly, I was invigorated by tightness on my wrists, Noah had me steady pushing me into the hard floor. I struggled beneath him, looking into his beautiful face as he began to tighten his grasp on me.

“Noah, No!” I screamed struggling beneath him, pushing him off with all my might, he wouldn't budge a centimetre.

Attempting to push him off, Noah straddled me, his entire weight crushing my torso as I struggled to breathe again. “Re..l..axx,” he spat out in slurred speech. The stench of alcohol radiated off him, in ongoing waves.

I turned to the side, closing my eyelids tightly; tears threatening to fall from my eyes, pushing up against Noah with all my might, giving it my all like I had never done before, almost as If I was on the brink of death wading Noah with everything as I fought for my life.

It took too much effort, too much energy; I was suffocating beneath him, my body trapped under his, my body. I couldn’t emphasise more when I thought about my body.

“Noah, please I’ll hate you for this, I’ll fall in love with you I swear, I’ll give you a chance,” I pleaded, giving up physically, finding no energy to fight him off, it was useless.

I contemplate my life, my survival, surely if I had been able to withstand Noah this long was definitely an achievement. I had to...this was it...if I didn’t stand up for myself, no one else would. I had one more opportunity, giving it my all, I push with every ounce of power I had, imaginary power, power that did not exist, because the next thing to happen was failure.


He didn’t move, he didn’t barge, his body made no objection to the supposed vibrations that were meant to shock this inferior beast. Nil.

His hands around mine tighten, the grip becoming ever so strong, he slowly lifts my body with ease, me lifting slowly, levitating like a magical act, he was phasing into schizophrenia mode, rough mode, monster mode, I didn't know what the hell to call it, but these thoughts were then distracted by the shear amount of force he had slammed me.

Slammed hard onto the wooden floor, where my head made a sick thud, and coolness was felt on the epidermis, perhaps an unfamiliar object, blood.

The nausea, dizziness and faintness that was previously there had returned, energy slowly dispersing from my body, my head hot and heavy, my eyelids failing my perception as they slowly came down. The feeling was very familiar, similar to the experience of general anaesthesia. My body failed me, the face of Noah became a blur as darkness prevailed sweeping me into the abyss, hopefully a permanent allocation.


I walk optimistically through the school foyer arriving at my locker; my daily routine came into play as I unlocked the cabinet and gazed at my timetable. Advanced English, Ancient History were my subjects for first block, “Ekh,” I sounded, the disgust prominent in my voice.

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