Chapter 49

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I ran like hell through the padded forest, the fresh air blowing in my face a constant wake up in my drowsy state giving me the refreshment I needed to keep going.

Trepidation ran through my body as I scattered around the forest whole unsure of what my objective was. My body continue to move at its pace, no control over my muscles my CNS hijacked.

The dark night surrounded me, eating my body whole, but perks of lights shone through the forest, placing me in a surreal aura of euphoria. But with euphoria came trouble. The sense that I was meant to be somewhere, or be doing something had me on high alert.

This couldn't be real, it was just too surreal. The environment around was noir, almost if I was trapped in another dimension.

As I travelled, unconscious of my surroundings, my heart skipped a beat. My breathing became shallow, my vision blurry, it was as if the forest was caving in on me, canopies of trees, branches, and coniferous leaves caving in on like a cocoon. I pushed as fast as I could, closing my eyes, and travelling with the wind as if someone was on my trail.

I stopped, when it felt safe, no fatigue, no lethargy, nothing was brewing inside of me. When my eyes focused on my surroundings, dread consumed me, I gulped loudly taking in the horror that enveloped me.

A cemetery. An ancient cemetery.

Unwillingly, I began to trek forward, my body once again controlled by an external force taking me on a tour of the graveyard.

I came to a halt, tears began to water down my face, as a shriek escaped my mouth.

A tombstone lay in front of me;


Alexander Adiri



This couldn't have happened.

Ifall to the ground, the love of my life wasted, everything withering away as Islip into oblivion. 

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