Chapter 28

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I gazed up at the perfect blue sky, small patches of fluffy cloud visible unable to shield civilization from the sweltering affects of the sun’s golden rays. I sit below a Cedar tree; eyes closed inhaling the fresh morning air.

My hair blows in all directions, the western breeze making contact with my skin, a combination of both heat and coolness, a tempting and exotic feeling that transports me down memory lane. As every single receptor received every sense of wind was like a golden key to my mind, unlocking many memories keeping me in a contingency of imperturbable equanimity. Memories I had associated with touch, smell and taste.

I lean back, my arms embracing my weight, suddenly, something hard hits my shoulder.

Turning my head to identify what it was, praying it wasn’t some sort of insect, a red apple, sits there on the luscious green grass. The apple shun immensely in the suns light, sparkling red, its vibrancy radiant as it reflects of its lustrous skin and refracts directly into my eyes. I had to have it! It was almost as if it was some sort of animated fruit from some cartoon I had watches as a child, always reciprocate they cartoon character’s sudden quench, I would go about to the kitchen, my brain enjoining me to find the same apple and devour it. The hunger feeling would immediately disperse the horrid taste nothing compared to its physical beauty.

I pick the apple up, boy would I love to share it with someone. This apple was extremely special, him!

The sound of ruffling between leaves is heard, I am immediately alerted fixing my sight towards the tree. I make out a figure, a man, his face hidden; strangely I am not afraid. I stand up dusting the debris of leaves off my pants. Walking towards the tree, I don’t ruminate the consequences of approaching this figure, but all I could invoke was positive energy.

I continue towards the tree, pause for a moment and without notice quickly dart my upper around the trunk to see the enigmatic figure. DAMN! NO ONE!

Confusion hits me like a truck, hard and painful! What in God’s name is happening? Am I hallucinating?

A tap is felt on my shoulder, I turn around spontaneously startled. There he was standing in front of me. His blue eyes pierced my cornea, his dazzling smile deflected into every direction visible on this plane. His olive skin was immaculate beneath the Australian sun. He gazed at me, almost statuesque, one of many you would locate in the art gallery. His stubble was thick, his nose small and perfect for his other big features. I knew who he was; he was James, my first love!

He grips both my hands and I permit him, his touch warm, kindness leaked from his eyes, my source of comfort. My first love! The man I had fallen in love with a few years ago, the man that ran head over heels for me, the man who adored and loved me, though we weren’t official we both knew it. I had so many questions to ask him, where’d he go? Why did he go? Why did he just abandon me? Leave me without notice. I cried for weeks, couldn’t forget him for months until I completely erased him from my mind and decided it was just fate.

He gazes into my face, quite, awestruck. It had been a while since we saw each other. But just as the memories had fades, the feelings dispersed, it all returned as soon as he gawked into my eyes. He stays quiet, but wants to say something, suddenly, my body numbs, the warm radiant sun evanesces, a sudden shift in temperature cause my skin to numb, my body freezing. The entire environment become dull, no colour, almost a dull sepia colour, negative energy was present and James’ touch was lost.

I look back at James, his smile gone, his eyes dark and worrisome. I was afraid, but he, petrified, I became astounded. He looks deeply into my eyes and is about to speak. The only syllable he managed to retort was “RUN!”

Bewilderment was present on my face, what was he on about? What had happened? What had scared me the most was what he was staring at. I gaze towards his perspective, and there stood evil itself! There stood Noah!

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