Chapter 47

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"Crap!" What the hell did I do? I felt like I was in some form of a movie, where everything had fallen into place just like I wanted to. Matthew was raging and all of a sudden he hit his head and developed short term memory loss, oh I wish I could laugh out loud, but then he would think I was delirious.

Aside from the cliché story, I was in, there was still the matter of discussion. All those bags of white powder I had discovered, and the stockpile of weapons. That couldn't be good.

I needed to set things straight, I couldn't reveal the truth to Matthew otherwise, he'd most likely bury me underground, but for acting childish and naive around him, I had to make up for that, then he would trust me again, and see man as an adult, not smothering me with all this parenting that was bound to drive me into the abyss and activate my insanity card.

Matt was sitting on the couch beside me watching television, I was not a person to apologise, it was not in my demeanour, apologising was for the weak, but acting on the other hand, acting in accordance with the wrong deeds we have done in order to gain repentance that was a whole other thing.

Acting in warmth and love so that one would forgive is believable over any other verbal said apology and that was going to help me wrap this brute, my captor around my finger.

I leaned into Matt he gazed back at me in awe, almost as if he saw his redemption gazing back at him, being handed to him on a silver platter, all sins, misdeeds being erase, a new slate begins, fortunately, that was not the case. But the look of awe that was present on this handsome man's face shifted from that of a surprise to that of need.

I leaned into him, and placed my head on his chest, the sound of his beating heart was prominent, becoming faster and faster, the sheer fact that I made this happen to him made me blush. He wasn't the only one with power.

Matt embraced me as I snuggled into his warm chest, surprisingly, the stress, anguish and resentment for the previous phone incident slowly faded away almost like the smell of jasmine on a cold windy day.

Feelings of calmness, serenity and most importantly safety were there, and he was the one giving them to me. I couldn't help but snuggle in more, his embrace became tighter as his muscular tattooed arms tightened around me, his fingers played with my hair, his breathing was caught inside my eardrums, his lips making contact with my ear, slowly brushing down my neck. A sense of arousal was present but surely was my signal to stop what was happening. I roughly pulled away, the hurt present on Matt's face.

"It's not you, I'm just not ready yet," I slowly said, holding his hand at the moment. He nodded and threw me a small smile. It was rare for him to smile, to be quite frank, smiling was more of a Danny thing, and to that, I began to blush once more.

The warm image of Matt inside my head was suddenly replaced by the cold ruthless drug lord that was his alter ego. The white powdery substance came to fruition, and I had to call him out on it.

I twitched my thumbs, rubbing my sweating hands against my shorts, not sure of how to word the recent discovery of narcotics to Matthew, more importantly, I was awaiting his reaction. He goes nothing.

I had his full attention. "When I found the first aid kit, I came across the weapons and drugs in the draw Matt."

Matt's eyes were open as wide a possible, the happy smiling face replaced by all seriousness.

He continued to gawk at me, all quietness.



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