Chapter 2

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Danny sat down in Social studies careless of the lesson. He couldn’t care less for cultural and religious interactions and their relationships to the sectarian strife occurring through the streets of Sydney. He much preferred to read fiction, a world away from his own, a thought process that lead him into any situation he wanted, where he defined the problem and he decided on the resolution. Although he was a man of education, he socialised and interacted with many people; his education and wisdom were the foundations of his personality a key feature that enabled others to look up to him, pride, a person to be reckoned with.

Indulging in his novel The Skull beneath the Skin, a classic crime fiction novel penned by one of his favourite and desirable authors P.D James was one of many texts that allowed him to see society at its core, that people are distinguishable and easy parted, that all worked for motives regardless or regardful of the consequence. The overall idea of crime writing intrigued him, the use of red herrings and the psychological welfare inflicted on the reader, the vicarious experience and the denouement that revives the reader after they have been pulled into the dark world, a world that does not exist in their society, a coddle experience.


I bookmark my page as I return to ordinary world, a place constricted by hardships, work, and mainly people. People change, situations change a clear distinction from those that are already set in the novel.

Looking towards the board Mr Andre was going about his usual ranting discussing the impact of cultural wars. Why did I have to choose social studies! The year twelve term 2 party is on tomorrow night, an excellent way to spend my Saturday night. ‘Beep Beep’, the bell sounds, thank goodness. Schools finished, there is no school tomorrow and no homework.

Riding the bus home I realise that as a teenager I most likely have more freedom than any other individual. I live on my own in my family house in Sydney, my parents currently residing between London and the Middle East, since they have business to attend to. I chose not to move since it was my final year in high school. Their regular visits keep me motivated and deprive me of the isolation feeling. There is no need for me to work since my dad owns are fairly large international company associated with merchandise and trade with other countries.

My phone vibrates in my pocket.

Him (1)

Hey baby boy how was your day?


Hi man, my day was good, boring as usual. Wbu?

Him (2)

I’m sure it wasn’t that bad


Yes it was boring. TGIF!

Him (1)

Do you still have that party on tomorrow?



Him (2)

Can I come?


No, I already told you. It will look really awkward.

Him (2)




First of all you’re like 30 years old, secondly, what are people going to think when they see me with an old guy at a youth party.

Him (1)

Fair enough bro... What 30? I just turned 28 remember?

Do you think I’ll be able to see you tomorrow night?

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