Chapter 9

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I drove home thinking about the ‘date’ I was just on with Andrew, he was incredible, he was everything. Were we meant to be, was I meant to be with someone like that, how? When I was around him, I felt a vibe, a mysterious but corporeal aura of electrical vibrancy, a spark, chemical reaction taking place.


I watched her as she left. My heart carefully back into place, she was amazing, beautiful, confident, smart, intelligent, righteous and mainly prideful. She was an endangered species almost on the verge of extinction, she was the type of girl on the talk of all tongues, every man wanted something like her, every girl admired her, and me, I would worship the ground she walks on. She was everything an uneducated idiot like me can dream of, but this dream turned into reality, why was I blessed. I kiss my second finger and place it on my forehead pointing towards heaven, thanking God for bestowing me with my future soul mate, the feeling I get with her is incredible, I never want to be without her, I want to always be near her.

Joey’s car pulls up parallel to the kerb, ‘Shu mate, how are you”, he says loudly with his infamous and uneducated wog tone.

“Joey, bro how are you”, I say as I get into the car.

“So where you with a ganga?” he asks mockingly. My face turns red, I feel the blood rush to my face, my hands forming fists and my body raging with anger. With one swift motion I punch him in the jaw, my frustration taking the better of me. How dare he call that innocent girl a slut.

“Andy I was joking brother, that’s what we do joke as mates. I’m sorry mate, I didn’t know you were serious, I thought she was a random, not someone your with”, he blurts out apologetically, tears clearly forming in his eyes. Yep that was going to bruise tomorrow.

“Drive”, I say huskily.

He quickly turns out onto the road and shift the gear speeding down the busy road of Burwood.

“If you ever say that again Joseph, I swear to God and all his creation I would kick your ass, and then I would have nothing to do with such a fucking pathetic grot like you, someone who only cares about their fucking self and their dick”.

He apologises sincerely, “I’m sorry Andrew, I was kidding around, please anything but be upset from me, pass your hand I’ll kiss it, anything just a long as you forgive me”, he begs.

“I forgive, but don’t you ever say anything like that again”, I say boldly.

He smiles as we come to a stop at the traffic light, reaches over and grabs my head and pulls it to his mouth planting a kiss on my forehead, showing the brotherly affection he has for me, Joey was a close friend of mine, a brother. I smile. “Get off me bro, you better not be going all homo on me”, I tell him. He laughs it off.

I take notice of the vivid nightlife in the streets, taking in the surroundings, the building, the car. A Subaru WRX pulls up next to us, its turbo enhancers roaring, I look over to the car, the back seat visible, their lied a gorgeous black haired girl, asleep on the back seat without her seatbelt on, as if she was conscious. I get suspicious, I look at the driver who is glaring at me, I sending him back an intimidating look, he responds by closing the rear window, the girl disappearing as the window rises. Joey’s car races down the road with another car to his right, I continue to look back at the car as we drive further away, he was turning right on the intersection us going straight. I shake off the thought, I begin to yell and squirm to other guys in the Pulsar that Joey was racing, a piece of junk compared to his RX8. We win the race against the guys in the other car, well that looked like anorexic post-pubescent rats, well with mullets and the usual thick silver chains around their neck. What has the world turned into, I judge society and the people in it, people like these are constantly abusing the system, abusing the police saying that they had no rights, they were alien in this country that was their home. Well no fucking shit! They chose to break the laws, they get targeted, they set examples and offcourse their going to be stereotyped, they speak of alien and being foreign, well they are because they place themselves in that predicament, even though they often visit their country of origin they are also excluded from society for have developed such extreme and idiotic lifestyles, being excluded by family, but perhaps continuing to live or adapt to the society. All were uneducated; all were despised by society, why? We understand all their idiocy and their personal manner of engaging in life with others, or their artificial intimidating disposition. We shouldn’t exclude them, they are human beings after all, we shouldn’t judge them on the way they look or the way they act with their congregated gangs. We don’t what their thinking or how their personality is in life, friends change us or make us different people, but the good thing about this aspect is that not all people adapt, most temporarily associate themself with this obscure  lifestyle in front of their posh or mates, then acting like an ordinary person with others when not surrounded or intimidated by peers. I think of Melissa and what she told me; I couldn’t believe what she thought of me, that I was intimidating and didn’t seem like the nice type. Why? Was it my body? My friends? My fashion sense? Was it my culture? I was upset with the fact that she stereotyped  me with others that follow a similar ego, but I was a different person. No one should judge me, but is okay for me to rant on about other people and how they didn’t fit into society, maybe I didn’t fit into society, no! Offcourse I did, I would be the only person from my race to fit into society, no one was like me. I was different and obviously better and clearly I had demonstrated that.

“Bro, bro, ANDREW!” I hear Joey yelling. “What are you thinking about?” he asks.

“Nothing, just keep driving dick,” I insult him.

“Oh... Your thinking about her aren’t you?,” he questions.

I stare at him from the corner of my eyes, his smile pulls up to his ears, a smile forms on my face”.

“When you made me and the other boys go down with you to the shopping centre you weren’t joking. You really do like her don’t you, Andrew the one that never found really liked a girl has found one he wants,” he says.

“Joey, I don’t want her, I want to settle down with her. I don’t like her, I love her. I only want her, not anyone else, just her, and you know, I always get my way,” I tell him.

“Faired Dinkum, but what about if she doesn’t want you, what about God forbid she decides that she like another guy,” he says.

I frown. “She won’t, she likes me as well and I can see it in her eyes. I need her so much you don’t understand, she one in a million, she’s not like those girls guys our age are with, she’s different, she’s special, there are no words to describe her. She’s out of my league and out of the league of all guys like us, but she chose me. That the fact that surprises me, why me. She’s educated and I’m a donkey, she’s a perfectionist and I’m not, she’s know about everything, she’s elegant, you could just sit with her for hours and listen to her conversations, her voice. I don’t want our relationship to be single for long, in short time, I’m going to ask for her hand from her father”.

“You're a lucky guy Andrew, no guy will ever be as lucky as you, and honestly I’m jealous. I attract the girls that don’t care about their reputation, that are just worse than men, we only care about our dicks and our pleasure, we play around at our age and then when it comes serious, we realise how  screwed we are. Some of us even go for a relationship with that kind of girl. Do you think I could ever show a girl like that to my mother? No.”, he says. “You’re lucky, sometimes as mates we might joke around about girl, hang with them, but you have something so precious that she’s priceless. Hang on to her, because let me tell you know, the only girl you’ll get if it doesn’t work out, is one of those girls I was talking about, and if you’re lucky may be your mum will find you a bride overseas.

I smile and he smiles back. I slap his thigh and as usual he sighs.

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