Chapter 16

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It’s been weeks since the bank incident, I never bothered to ask Alex about it since I’d been caught up with the house work, family and the baby. I didn’t have time to look into something that might lead me on to Alex and to the anonymous texts or maybe I didn’t want to receive bad news.

I hadn’t received a text for a month now, slightly relieved. Maybe it was just a joke or a prank. The person felt bad and stopped, but that doesn’t explain the money. Maybe Alex invested into some kind of business; it was his money anyway so why should I worry. Am I kidding myself? It was our fucking money! What did he do with it? Georgie you over thinking it, it’s not what it seems! Flash backs of the Swan Princess flooded into my head as the dying King repeated ‘It’s not what it seems, it’s not what it seems’ to Prince Derek.

It was Wednesday evening, Alex was due from work any minute now.

His Hilux pulls up into the driveway; a smile forms on my face. I love how I doubt him but still trust him at the same time. It reflects our relationship with each other. Girls are unlike boys, they tend to bond affectionately more than the other. Considering he was my first love, my first everything basically; that was one of the very reasons I was madly in love with him.

I set the plates on the table ready for dinner; Alex enters with a box of Charcoal chicken smiling. Behind him treks his mate Justin.

“Hi baby”, he greets coming towards me and pecking me on the cheek.

“Hey”, I reply.

“Where’s the baby”, he asks.

“Where else is he going to be Alex, in his cot,” I remark rolling my eyes in the process. Alex walks over to Samuel’s room.

Justin approaches me; I hug and kiss him on the cheek. “Hey Just. How are you?” I welcome.

“Hey Georgie, I’m good love. How’s everything going, the baby, life with Alex?” he asks winking in the process.

I smile. “Alex will always be Alex, Justin. The baby is my life, he takes up so much time but I love him, I’ve never been so happier. How’s the Mrs, I haven’t seen her in a long time”.

He laughs. “Yeah the Mrs is alright, she’d love to come but her pregnancy is holding her back.”

I smile. “Excited aren’t you?”

He looks down. “I’ve never been excited or nervous at the same time”.

I lift my right eyebrow. “Wow! If you’re feeling this I can’t imagine what she’s going through you know, physically carrying the child, watching her diet, think of the delivery and the painful process”.

“Please stop, I’m going to shit my pants with fear”, he states.

I chuckle shaking my head in the process. “She’s a beautiful girl Justin”, you should be lucky to have her.”

He gives me a crooked smile. “Well she’s not Georgie is she?”

“Stop, your making me feel guilty,” I affirm.

“I told her not to get herself pregnant, I told her we can hold off for a child, but she wouldn’t agree. She’s too young, it’s bad enough she was married off to me at a young age, I couldn’t imagine having a child. While everyone her age is living their life, she’s going to be trapped inside her house caring for a family. She wanted to have a child for me, she kept nagging me that I was growing old and most guys in their early thirties already had kids”, he reveals.

“She can still live her life Justin, she doesn’t have to stay home all the time, and she has her friends and family. That’s up to you whether you help her, you can’t leave everything up to her, your almost ten years older, wiser and have more experience in life. Don’t lazy out like most guys do, be different,” I suggest.

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