Chapter 17

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Dinner had been amazing, so much to him than what one would perceive. We strolled down the coast of Brighton Le Sands and admired the nightlife, people all about on this Sunday night, streets buzzing with activity, lights and banners twinkling in the dark summer night sky. The smell of salty water as incoming tides made contact with the sand, the impeccable feeling and vibrancy one experience while their enjoying themselves but enjoying the environment, their personal sphere. There aren’t many words that describe the once-in-a-moment feel, an aura of some kind that leaves you with pleasure, amusement and more importantly; omnipotence over the world.

We walked side-by-side, who knew me, Melissa would be hanging out with a guy, this was beyond me but I knew I couldn’t live in my nun-like world. I looked at Andrew and noticed him glaring at me, “What are you looking at?”

He just kept staring awkwardly, reminded of when older men checked out younger girls.

“Hello!” I said.

His concentration regained, a smile formed on his face. “Has anyone told you how gorgeous you are?”

I smiled at his compliment. “Lots of people tell me that, I don’t always think about nor do I really care.”

His face becomes expressionless. “What do you mean you don’t care?”

I stop in track. “What I mean is that no matter how many times people compliment me I keep thinking about it or even show it off. I’m born pretty, and there’s nothing I can do about it, all we can say is thank God for all that his given us, and he has given us many things positive and negative, in the end we should be thankful.”

His smile returns. “Every moment I spend with you is a moment I learn more about your amazing life and attitudes”.

“I told you, I’m not like other girls, and you my friend are lucky”, I reveal.

“You don’t understand how lucky I am, I can’t wait to show you off to my mother”, he reveals. I smile and glance with the corner of my eyes as we resume our stroll.

“Your species is become extinct Melissa”, he says.

I stop on track and look at him, a smile forming on my face. “So I am animal?”

He looks surprised by my remark. “No, offcourse I don’t mean that. I mean I gave up on finding the perfect girl, since my exes were all busts, and mysteriously I ran into you.”

I continue to stare at him, nodding my head in the process. “I see...”

“I want to show my whole family what’s mine”, he utters.

A frown forms on my face, my forehead creases. “Mine?”

His face becomes apologetic. “I meant mine, as in my girlfriend”.

“Oh, okay”, I agree.

“Well, shall you continue our trek with your endangered species?” I say.

“Since you’re endangered, we need to tag so we don’t lose you to the world”, he says winking in the process.

I had only realised what he meant when I felt a sharp pain on the side of my wrist, he pinched me! “AWWWWWW! What was that for?”

He chuckled. “That way I know that I won’t lose you”. I roll my eyes and continue to power walk.

“Wait up”, he says yelling, as I am a few good metre ahead of him. He pulls my hand as he catches up to me and holds it. I immediately flinch away from him removing mine from his. “What’s wrong?” he asks.

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