Chapter 32

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I ought to start a journal diary, a book I could keep all my gruesome and grotesque memories in, I would call it ‘In handsome’s captivity’. More weeks past, more painful stories about my true love, disappearing and leaving me permitting me to think it was my fault when it was that sly dog Noah.

I am distracted by Noah’s loud voice, “No you can’t come, I’m not free, I have so much things to do, please you can’t”, was all I managed to hear before Noah skipped to a different room not adjacent to mine.

He was avoiding that person at all cost, everyday they’d ring and he’d find an excuse to defer their visit, it had to be because of me. Maybe he owed someone money, someone that would hurt him and them finding me and knowing Noah’s weak point could probably use me as leverage.

But Noah wasn’t poor, and by the way his lifestyle seemed, his pantry, his home appliances, he seemed...wealthy.

What had infuriated me most was his constant visits to civilization, going about his normal routines, his casual lifestyle with his friends leaving me captive in this God forsaken room, all by myself, I was surprised I hadn’t developed some type of mental disease yet, but comprehending the state I was in this was much worse. Where was he going? What was he doing? The research behind this was out of my league; all I could do was sit around and wait. The question is, what do I wait for?

I am disrupted again by the sound of the room bolts unlocking, the lock bars being released from their interior positions, giving way for the door to be unlocked. I gulp. As much as I was used to this, everyday for the past few months, it still made my stomach tingle. Perhaps I was waiting for good news, maybe bad.

Noah barges in all serious, “I need to go out for a little while, I’m going to let you stay in the living room, but the door will be locked”.

I hadn’t had time to reply when I felt his muscular hands on my wrists picking me up, ironically, he was gentle, but the sheer amount of force he applied would have hurt anyone, maybe I was just immune to pain?

I hated the living room, nothing to do, just a lounge, a TV set, that featured all your general channels, no cable TV, just boring news channels. Staying locked up in that small room was unhealthy, I just couldn’t.

He takes me down the stairs and lightly pushes me into the room. I couldn’t stay here, I wouldn’t. I pulled forcibly on the door just before it was closed completely; apply as much pressure as possible. I pull with full force fighting the agility of Noah. “Please, I can’t stay here, I can’t handle it,” I begged.

Noah seemed to ignore my plea. “Noah, please I’m begging you, anywhere else but here or the room, I can’t stay,” I supplicate as I feel the force acting on the door stop. A smile is formed on my face. Alyssa one, Noah zero.

The door opens slowly, a loud creak is heard. Noah stood there, broad shoulders, sharp and rugged gazing at me. I throw him a smile; he raised an eyebrow, but immediately returns it.

Wow, after what had seemed months of endless fighting, arguing, Noah could be easily manipulated. I guess he falls so easily for my charms. Note to self, use this in future.

“You can stay in my study,” he states.

Noah had a study. What the hell was happening? I know he was previously a teacher, but why would you need a study? That was more for researchers, or businessmen, a fine kitchen table would do if he were still a teacher right?

Noah leads me to the room almost like he was escorting a small primary school child to sickbay. He takes me inside. “Not going for long, I’ll bring back a movie, behave,” he warns.

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