Chapter 7

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I finish crying, not that I’m aware of it. It’s just that one can only cry for so much until they feel the urge to stop. The traumatic effect play heavily on a person and their disposition, who they are, and what people see of them. The situation I’m in is dangerous, I’m kidnapped, abducted and no one seems to know where I am or even care for that matter. I need to devise a plan that will allow me to escape. Aha! I carefully jog towards the wardrobe and pullout a one of my ‘shirts’, I take notice on what’s it hanged on, a coat hanger, but it wasn’t just a coat hanger, it was my freedom, it was a wired coat hanger.

I deconstruct the fixed hangar, careful not to scratch or cut myself for that matter. I bend the wire into short lengths, one that will permit to fit into the back of my shorts. I continue to wait for the kidnapper to return, what was his name. How old was he really? Did he have a family, did he have any friends. There was one way I could only lure him in, and that was by bringing him to me physically.

I approach the bedroom door, locked and carefully bolted I examine it clear finish, the clear acrylic painted onto the burned like colour. I swallow hard contemplating what I was going to do, it was the only way. I lift my hand up hesitantly my right hand forming a fist; with this my plea for attention would become my ulterior motive for escape. With that I smash the door, hammering at it piercingly, “Please let me go please, I swear I won’t tell anyone, please”. I movement in my legs causes pain, a flood of memories comes gushing in; too much for me to handle. Tears fill my eyes as I begin to sob again, this time screaming to the top of my lungs, “Please let me go, let me go you stupid son of a bitch, I swear I won’t tell anyone, but if you leave me here people will look for me, they will come and find me”. I go quiet, all of sudden the deadbolts on the doors unlock making a metallic cling, the door is opened and my abductor walks into the room, his eyes glazing at me, the sunlight beaming directly into them as if I was looking into the blue waters of Fiji.

“Please let me go”, I whimper as I slowly back away from this ego maniac.

“Why would I do that Alyssa? If you had a prize possession would you like that to go?” he says questioning me fiercely.

“You’re a fucking sick demented person alright, just let me fucking go,” I screech.

“Alyssa, I won’t let you talk to me like that, we don’t speak to each other in our home,” he states.

Talk like that to each other? Our home? What the fuck is this freak smoking?

“What do you want from me, it is because I rejected you back at the restaurant? Look, I’m not interested in you, I don’t want a boyfriend. Is that it? Are you angry that I said no? Please just let me go.”

“Silly girl, off course not, I know you’re in love with me but you just don’t know it yet. I love you so much to let you off on your own; I know here you’ll be protected and cared for instead of walking by yourself on the streets at night,” he says almost joyous.

I look at him in a disgusted manner.

“Gotta stop with the hate darling. Anyway we should get you up and fed; that soft serve you ate last night couldn’t hold down your hunger.”

“I’ve been waiting for this moment for so long Alyssa, do you know how sick and tired I’ve been just watching you and wanting you so bad. Thankfully you’re the type of girl who didn’t have any boyfriends, frankly, that would have been a disaster,” he describes.

He was stalking me, shivers run down my body.

“I can’t wait to be with you Alyssa; I’ve been waiting impatiently with you for so long, I can’t hold it in anymore. I want you and I need to release inside you. You don’t understand what you mean to me, you’re like my own entity,  you’re for me and I for you,” he reveals.

My face hardens, and my eyes semi-watery, my breathing harsher, and blood rushes to my face. He wants to have  me, he wants to have sex with me. “No...No...N..0..0, you can’t do that to me, I won’t let you. I won’t let you lay a finger on me you disgusting prick,” I say my voice breaking and my entire body shaking with fear.

I wouldn’t allow him to take me, I was a virgin, and that was against my own will. I wasn’t the girl to give my virginity away nor have I thought about it nor will I unless I was giving to it to the man I married; that was final.

I try to find my voice, hopefully trying to make small talk with him; maybe that would let him back off. “You can’t have sex with me, I won’t let you it’s preposterous.”

He smiles at me, “Don’t worry gorgeous,  it will be concentual once you realise how much you love me and how were meant to be together.”

“I will never love you, in fact I hate you. I’m a virgin, I will never allow you to take that away from me, it’s mine not yours,” I yell at him.

He smirks. “I know you’re a virgin Alyssa”. That statement makes vile rise to the top of my throat, my chest inhaling as little breath as possible.

“I know how you saved your virginity for your husband, sorry, I overheard you and your friend once at home, you know the night you girls were watch The Notebook, how your friend was describing it as the most romantic movie she has ever watched and that one day she’d wish she’d find her Noah, while you sat back and laughed, saying that most guys were pricks and that if you wanted to find the right guy you have to move to a different location. Well what do you thing of me?” he says chuckling.

“I’m going to take your virginity, well of course with consent first, remember the quicker you fall in love with me the quicker we can be together intimately; who know we may even have a junior me.”

I stare at him the hatred in my eyes should have been burning the surface of skin by now; he continues to stare at me as I distance myself from him, every step I take backwards he manages to take one step forwards until I bump into the front board of the bed. He continues slowly towards me.

“You don’t understand Alyssa, I’m going to be your everything, your first boyfriend, your first kiss, your first sexual partner, and the father of your children. I’m a respectful man and of course I won’t shame you and take away your purity just like that, once you realise the love between us is real, I’ll marry as quickly as possible, and then you’ll be mine; to love and to protect. So what do you have to say to that?”

Tears begin to roll down my cheeks and onto my top, I was doomed, I had no option, I had no one and nothing. I was screwed. What do I do now? That’s it, the coat hanger.

He approaches me his hand caressing my cheek softly wiping away the salty tears; a look of pain flashes his face. “Shhh don’t cry baby, I love you. There’s no need for all this, were in this together, me and you forever”, he whispers. At the last syllable of that chaotic word he said I immediately react, plunging my knee straight into his groin intensely. “Fuck”, he screams. Staring at him I almost forget my plan to escape. I look at the open door and run towards it on tenterhooks of finding the exit of this captivity.

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