Chapter 42

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Life was a difficult passage; there were those that progressed forward and then those of us who seemed to never move an inch. That was me, Mathew the pure epitome of failure. I had endured so many obsolete predicaments, that pleasure and selfishness are my ideal values. I wanted what I want from now on, not only did I suffer in life, succumb to the sadness, the obliviousness of life’s miseries thrown in my direction, but was going to do as I desired, indulge in taboo. If keeping Danny meant that I was one point ahead in the game then destiny, then so be it.

I gazed out the transparent glass barrier of the apartment, the night sky slowly being infiltrated by the sun’s rays as it began to ascend over suburbia. I sat hesitantly on the couch, sleep deprived fear of sleeping, in case nightmares continue to disturb my sweet Danny, I wanted him safe and protected, no matter how low I would drag his ego and masculinity.

My eyes began to betray, slowly closing on their account, no longer able to take in the spectrum of life as my brain slowly oozed Melatonin, my body demonstrating the clear effects of it. I needed something that would keep me awake, just a few more hours, then when Danny awoke, I’d sleep. My phone, haven’t been on it since the night I took it away from Danny.

I walk over to the kitchen, opening the bottom right draw near the oven, fiddling through it, I find it. No way would Danny have ever looked in here. I slowly trek back over to the lounge, and lay restlessly; both my legs spread apart, in distant directions, my back lay comfortably against the plush recliner.

It’s been a few days since I had utilised the device, plenty of missed calls and texts from certain people, still interested in what Danny had to offer my industry, it was selfish of me to get him to join, evil actually. I nonetheless could not comprehend what I had done, all this just so I can keep him at waist, why was I so cruel to him.

I knew why?

He was my redemption, my salvation, no one could save me but him, or maybe it was a virtual facade of lies and deception, a curtain I had placed right before my eyes to vague the truth I received of the world, that a know good vile individual such as myself was nothing but a thug no matter how my life had started. It was never about the journey, it was the final product, the end product, my devastation and corruption, I was the Frankenstein monster, the creation, but who created me? Who moulded me from darkness? Me! I was Victor.

I swiftly view the phone, I knew Danny didn’t call anyone, but why was he so keen on keeping it to himself?

I double click the home button that took me to an archive of running apps, Facebook was open. Anger travelled from the midst of my brain to my body parts, this cannot be!

I selected the app, to my suprise his username was entered, as well as the minute black dots that represented an inputted password. I smirk devilishly. The remember password box was ticked. This was going to be fun. Poor bastard ought to look at the settings before he did anything.

I am logged into an app, a newsfeed filled with mindless teens and their party habits, I like to party and drink, but these were just kids, their minds like sponges, influenced easily by the delights and indulgence of son's life had to offer. A flashback hits me, teen angst, this was the time frame my once beautiful and innocent life had become corrupted.

Danny’s message box was filled with messages, to his family, who didn’t really give a crap, their reply after he assured them he was studying and unable to contact them frequently was a simple okay, stay safe. This infuriated me, it’s the parents foremost job to concentrate on their children’s welfare and livelihoods, otherwise they’d turn like me, rotten.

One of the messages that had caught my attention was from that prick John. He was a little too obsessed with Danny, and the fact that Danny messaged him as well pissed me off. I knew I should have not deleted any of their previous conversations when I had someone hack his Facebook, but that was pure jealousy. He can’t have what was mine!

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