Chapter 30

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It had been a full year since Andrew and I met, soon we were to be married, engaged, set on the notion of love and spending the rest of our lives together.

The immense feel of spring fever was fading in the air beginning to be replaced by the humid heat of the Australian Summer. The luscious green replaced by a darker and drier plant, the sensual breeze replaced by stickiness and humidity.

I couldn't believe it, my wedding was in a few months time, the dress, cars, venue all sorted, all managed to be balanced based on my chaotic timetable involving uni, my social life, family, Andrew, Andrew and Andrew. I gaze at myself in the mirror, a mysterious and intriguing female gawks back at me, a natural glow reflecting from her skin, a smile that would place any man into a coma. Yet this intriguing female seemed different a while back, someone who was fearful and conscientious based on her choice in men, and mainly the social class associated with her one true love. That girl had gone, only to be replaced with the exact girl with the exception of being ostentatious.

Thank God, I followed my instincts, all this class and social bullshit didn't feet into modern society, I admit, soon I was to be a teacher, a psychologist, and Andrew still where he was, a high school drop kick, blue collar, well a very wealthy one. His building empire is known all over the city, and I was to be the wife of that very well known man.

My stomach churned, I tapped my foot repeatedly on the ground as I sat down and gazed outside the window.

Tomorrow was my graduation, I'd finally be free from Tertiary Education never to see it again unless I decided I wanted to further my it, which was a no-go for now. I needed the mental relaxation I was fissure about the notion of further studying for now. I snap out of my haze distracted by the sight of an elegant white car, I walk up to the window and gawk towards the car, it was a Lexus, a pearly white glistening under the sun incandescent rays, a large red bow sat on the bonnet of the car. Oh My God!

I bolt down the stairs taking two steps at a time almost tripping over. This couldn't have been another birthday gift; my family had already showered me last week.

I open the screen doors strutting outside and find both my parents eyes wide with big smiles on their face. I glance towards the car, a brand new car sits there for me, awaiting my presence, my presence in it, to drive it around. I was gobsmacked, dumbfounded, a Lexus, a brand new car for me.

"What did you guys get?" I asked my puzzled parents. They didn't reply.

Glancing towards the driver's side, a figure emerges from the car, a tall, muscular, beauty king closing the door behind him as the infamous crusty sound of the door closing is heard. My occipital lobe must've been throbbing, because my view would've made any girl's legs buckle causing them to collapse onto the floor.

His dark shirt complemented his fabric coloured shorts, his short hair suited his masculine face, his stubble was a definition of his masculinity, as were the thickness of his forearms not to mention the hairs that stood so finely on them.

Andrew was the definition of masculinity. His looks, personality, ruggedness sent me head over heels for him, but I was absolutely sure that I did the same thing to him. My perfection, beauty, flawless persona was a factor he commonly bragged of, he advertised, my wife was perfect!

He greeted huskily. "Happy Graduation Gorgeous!"

My smile was intense to the point I couldn't stop. "A car for me?"

My parents greeted Andrew and walked into the house. "Offcourse for you, do you see anyone else here but you and I", he muttered.

I blush, what this man did to me was indescribable, almost as if my internal body tissue flipped inside out when he was adjacent to me.

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