Chapter 38

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The human mind, a fragile, superficial box, a control centre for the human body. Everyone has one, it is this box that control our lives, our decisions, our actions. It is our brain that is influenced by the actions of others, whether we become good or bad, the manner in which we speak, act, behave, and process. This raises a question, if these teaching are passed on i.e. were taught to be good, taught to be bad, then who was the original person to come up with these actions and spread them onto the human race?

Then there are those who are independent, born naturally with big minds, large goals, and vast futures. These individuals, these dissidents raised themselves, taught themselves the morals, conventions of life, these are the natural independents, needing no one but themselves, they brought themselves up, they are the smartest of all people.

The human mind can be altered easily, whether it is being manipulated through individual’s actions, seeing things around us being done, or hynotisim via our media. One thing no one can escape is that the human mind has a dark factor, all individuals have dark sides, whether this dark side phases, and becomes conspicuous is dependent on how much control morals have over that person.

Humans like the bad side, like seeing evil done, like playing out evil acts, don’t be fooled, no matter how small the situation is, these evil actions can  be classified into our own desires, the lifestyle we never wanted, as well as the dark mentality of placing ourselves before the needs of everyone else.

We all have an evil side, we all like seeing evil things being done, whether we act it out or not, there is a sense of enlightenment, pleasure derived from the misdeeds and adrenaline-causing situations that permit us to delve into a dark realm only to be pulled back into the light. Everyone is pulled back from darkness into light.

What if I told you this didn’t always occur, that sometimes, we are caught up in the craziness, ideologies that we are trapped in the abyss, evil has taken over, darkness has shielded us from the light that it cannot enter, it cannot save us and here we are trapped in eternal darkness. What if I told you that not every story did not have a happy ending? What would you say? Would you argue and state that it goes against the nature of literature, against the works of literary scholars, against the rule?

The main question is, who set these rules? Who set the natural laws of this planet? Was it religion, preachers, or moralists? Who says that evil is not good, and good is not evil? Who defined these words? Religion?

The most fundamental aspect of our human order, theocracy and ideologies! Are our morals based on these texts, where good is defined as good and evil defined as evil?

We will never know, we will reach climaxes and deflections where we will come across the ultimatium of which path to take, however, will we continue to live our lives in the same manner as our ill fated choice, the moment we chose a good or evil side? In the end humanity will be judged, you will be judged, on every little thing that has occurred to you in this blessed life.

The mentality behind life is happiness, this is a facade, a lie. Most people will try to be happy most of their lives, but will never succeed, the optimism never occurring, only wasting precious moments of life on something that will never exist.

Our faith is all we need to get us through life, our patience, endurance, love, and confidence, these are the aspects that will help us determine what is right from wrong, these are the individuals who will become the natural independents.

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