Chapter 25

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It had been a week since the incident between me and Alex. We talked and I stopped taking the pill after I apologised to him. We haven’t been having sex though, our moods have come between and our intimacy and now I fear it will ruin our relationship.

Alex had been going and coming during the day, no work since it had been raining. I’ve been quite suspicious of his daily activities, where he’d been going and what he was up to. As much as I loved this man and adored him, something was up, and I couldn’t care what it was, I had to know, I couldn’t let him destroy this family, destroy me, destroy my highly acclaimed reputation.

I logged off Facebook and saw him heading to the door, no conversation, no nothing. What the hell was going on? Since when did Alex just walk out without letting me know? What the hell was going on!

The notorious sound of Alex’s car buzzed in my ears. He was going somewhere. I constantly have these spontaneous thinking patterns where I don’t think or hesitate for a moment to ruminate my thoughts or actions.

I’m going to follow him Alex; I couldn’t believe what I was thinking! But I needed to know.

I ran to my bedroom and grabbed my purse and car keys, Alex had just left the house, the roar of his engine heard from the top of the street. I gave him leeway. I jumped into the car and drove up the street keeping myself distant from him. I couldn’t permit him to see me stalking him otherwise this entire plan will come crashing down as debris on my head and I clearly, I would ruin my marriage. Last thing anyone would need is for newlyweds to separate.

I drove up the road slowly, keeping Alex insight, he was too busy staring at the traffic to notice who was behind him, or too preoccupied by his activities to even notice that I’d follow. Jeeze the thought of him participating in illicit activities made me sick.

I drove down the highway keeping a fifty metre gap, staying behind him at all times, didn’t want him seeing me through his mirrors. He stopped over to the side and got out of the car, I parked a fair distance away from him, and killed the engine. He got out of the car and walked into a shop, what was he buy?

Moments later he exits the premise, with a sandwich wrap and V energy drink. My poor baby, my innocent Alex, all he wanted was a bite to grab because I was too bitchy and moody to provide. My heart sank, my breathing harsh, anxiety overcoming me. Maybe I was pushing Alex away.

He opened the door of his vehicle and returned onto the solid pavements of the infamous Hume Highway. No matter how innocent I thought Alex was there was the little irritating voice at the back of my head that was dictating my life, “FOLLOW HIM, FOLLOW HIM GEORGIE!”

I drove onto the paved lanes and pursued Alex. We drove up to what seemed like tens of minutes, almost twenty. I was driving through an area; I had never seen or visited before. It was a diverse living area, hideous homes mixed with the gorgeous mason stone that embezzled enormous homes.

We drove onto a street called C’est Elle Street. What in the!

Since when did the local council use foreign names for streets. My deep rational thinking gets the better of me, this was it, the moment. Alex parked the car in a drive way. What!

How could he know someone that lives here? I didn’t! Who is this person? I park the car carefully breaking so that my entrance is unnoticed.

Alex exits his car and looks to his left and right verifying he hasn’t been followed. As much as I loved this man, he was an idiot.

Alex walks up to this mediocre house, with bars securing the windows, it consisted of red bricks, a large lawn with bright coloured daisies. Alex carefully walked up a small set of stairs that led him to the front patio; all this was visible from my car.

My heart beat quicker and quicker, picking up pace, why was I afraid? Alex could be visiting his friends or a co-worker. Maybe I was just preparing myself for the worst, which was?

Alex knocked on the door. Suddenly, a figure unlocked the bolts of the door and made their way outside.

I gasped.

This figure was tall, blonde and curvy. She had a short slutty robe on and heels that no woman should ever walk in. Her long artificial hair made contact with her lower back, she had this dirty facade about her.

She strutted over to Alex, and peeked him on the cheek, she hugged tightly and he didn’t resist.

 My heart shattered into a million pieces. She signalled him to the door and he walked in closing the door behind them. I was going to be sick.

Alex, my Alex. Cheating on me! “Why is this happening to me”, I say crying, tears streaming in my eyes. My chest felt tight, everything around me was crumbling. I hated myself, I hated my life, I hated Alex.



WHY OH WHY!” I screamed slamming the stereotyping. My emotional breakdown took the better of me, I was shaking violently, my screams could be heard from outside the car, glad no one was in this God forsaken area.

I hated myself! I hated myself for falling in love with Alex! Fuck the idiot that ever brought us together, fuck the world.

I cried for what seemed like an eternity. I had to get out of here, before he sees me. I never thought about it though, do I confront Alex about it?

I reach for the keys to start up the car. My phone rings, alerting me I have a message. God No!

It can’t be, please God don’t let it be who I’m thinking.

Message (3)

Maybe you should’ve listened to Alex and went blonde. I think he likes them :)

Poor innocent you finding out about his affair, well here’s more proof.

(Picture Message)

[Alex holding blonde girl and their kissing on a bed]

I gasp for air as I look at that picture. Tears trickle down my eyes. Fuck you Sherlock, fuck your existence.

Alex was really cheating on me.

I turn on the car and drive back home, turning up the radio, purposely skipping the love songs. Whoever falls in love is a clear idiot.

I park the car in the driveway; I remain seated for what seemed like an hour, staring blankly into space. I guess that who he was giving money too, his mistress.

The notorious mobile message alert sounds.

Message (2)

Love to say it, I told you so. Never marry a tool.

-Love Sherlock.

“Fuck my life”, I screech, walking into the house jumping onto the bed letting the tears flood.

Alex walks into the house with Sammy. I had to act natural as if nothing was wrong, this was going to be hard.

***Will update soon, please read and share everyone. Need a viewer boost.***

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