8. Promise Me

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I didn't know how to handle this shit. Lucas looked so fucking broken. What kind of fucking parents do that to their kids? To see him break down made me want to protect him from all this shit. I'm a hit and quit it kind of guy. But Lucas...fuck man, there is just something about him. I have gotten lost in his eyes more than once, and I don't know how to stop it. To be completely honest with myself I don't want these feelings I'm developing for him to stop.

Well, there's that he can make me hard as a rock right after I cum.

We walk to his sister's room, and I just want to hold his hand. I mean come on, I'm not a holding hand motherfucker. He's making me go soft the fucking asshole, and I haven't even known him that long. Like I said fucking asshole, but apparently, I am a cocky son of a bitch. Just thinking about that brings a smile to my face, he makes me smile more than I can remember. But as soon as I look at Lucas my smile falters. He just looks so damn broken right now. Lucas takes a deep breath and I go to squeeze his hand.

"I'm good."

I nod my head and let go as we walk into the room. The poor girl is hooked up to machines and is pale as a ghost. As soon as she sees her brother her eyes are bright, and she's got the same charming smile her brother has.


"Hey sis." He goes over and kisses her forehead. She looks at me then smacks her brother on the chest. "What the fuck was that for?" I can't help but laugh, and he glares at me, but I just smile.

"You didn't tell me you were bringing some hot guy here. I look like a fucking mess." She runs her hand over her bald head and then looks embarrassed. I see her cheeks turn a rosy pink against her pale skin, and I think... adorable.  

"You look beautiful." I say and she blushes again. "I'm Jaxon." Her eyes go wide, as she looks between me and Lucas. "Thee Jaxon!" I look at Lucas, but he won't look at me and I can see him trying to hide a blush. Now that is fucking adorable, and I can't fight the smile that forms on my face. See like I said he makes me smile so damn much, that sometimes it hurts.

"Talk about me, did you?"

"What are you Yoda now." He shoves my shoulder and I laugh. "Fuck you."

Been there, done that. You bet your ass I want to do it again. He looks at me and I know he can tell what I am thinking, but he shakes his head and chuckles.

"How are you feeling shortcake?"

Way to change the subject fucker. I know what you were thinking. I saw it all in your eyes. What I learnt in the short time I've known Lucas is he's quiet most of the time. But he also has these walls, and they break ever so often usually when I'm around. I like that he is different when he is around me.

"I could go for a milkshake. The food sucks here."

"What kind? There's a place across the street." She claps her hands together full of excitement. You wouldn't know that she is very sick by the way she is acting. "Chocolate Banana."

"Okay I'll be right back. Are you coming Jaxon?"

"Actually, can he stay, it gets lonely here."

"Sure sis." He kisses her forehead and turn to me. "You want anything."

"Nah I'm good." He nods his head, but I see he hesitates then snaps out of it and walks out the door. "Okay, why did you just get rid of your brother?" She feigns being shocked, and I roll my eyes. "Cut the bullshit Kayla." Her lip trembles and I can see the fake façade fall away. "I'm dying Jaxon."

Fuck! I know but this is not what I expected to talk about.

I rub the back of my neck because I mean what do I say to that?

"My brother is going to do everything in his power to save me."

"Which he should do, or I'd kick his fucking ass."

"I see why he likes you. He would go on and on, brooding over you guys not talking. But then he lit up the last couple of days. So, I can only assume you guys made up." Now it's my turn to blush. "Something like that."

"If the worse is to happen to me. Promise me you'll be there for him. I know you two do care for each other, I can see it in the way you look at each other."

"I do like him. He's the first guy... fuck this is hard."

"Take your time I'm not going anywhere." She gives me sass and I see where she gets that from.

"He's the first guy I've had feelings for."

"Well promise me to be there for him any way that you can."

"I promise."

"That's all I ask for."

"So, Kayla any embarrassing stories that I can hold over Lucas's head." She laughs and that sparkle in her eyes is back. "Oh boy do I have plenty. Like this one time when he..."

"Do not say another fucking word."

I jump and Kayla started hiccupping. "Fuck Lucas!"

"No stories, here's your shake." Lucas gives Kayla her shake and then shakes his head at the both of us. "You're no fun." We let Kayla drink her shake, but she can only take a little bit. It's so heartbreaking to see her struggle.

"We need to talk sis."

"I'll let you guys talk, I'll be right outside."

"Please stay." Kayla asks and I nod my head. I stand off to the side and let them talk. I can feel the tension radiate off Lucas as he argues with his sister. In the end they agreed to try the new treatment and if it fails, she can choose what she wants to happen next.  We say our goodbyes with me promising to visit again, after Lucas talked to the doctor.

"You hungry?" I ask as I drive back to our place.

"No, I'm good, I'm just tired. "


I honestly don't know what else I can say or do. Nothing can change that Kayla is sick or that it is just a waiting game. As I drive there, I think about everything that has happened, and for the first time I don't know what to do or say. We pull up to the football house and all is quiet. No one is around, I guess they took the party elsewhere. We walk up the stairs in silence and we get to Lucas's door first. "If you need anything let me know." When he doesn't say anything, I start to walk off, but he grabs my wrist.

"Please stay." His lip trembles and anyone could see he is on the verge of crying again. "I don't want to...fuck I can't be alone right now."

I don't say anything I just followed him in his room. Lucas stands before me and takes off my shirt and I let him. Then he undoes my pants, and they fall to the ground, and I let him. It seems I am letting this man do anything to me, and that still scares the crap out of me. I repeat the process with him, and he kisses me with such tenderness that I melt into him.

What is this fucker doing to me?

"Thank you, Jaxon."

We climb in bed, and he lays his head on my chest and I just hold him. He plants a kiss to my chest, and it sends shivers down my spine.

"I've never let anyone see me like this before. What the fuck are you doing to me Reynolds."

"I've asked myself the same question about you." I kiss the top of his head. "Get some rest Roberts." He runs his hand down my chest and I feel myself getting hard. He moves his body and starts sucking on my neck and I groan.

"Lucas" I growl at him. "Fuck say my name again like that." He rubs my dick and I growl at him again. I roll him over and lay on top of him. I feel his dick get harder.


"You do this to me Jaxon. Now fuck me you cocky son of a bitch"

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