28. The Chase

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I hated leaving the cabin, it was the best four days. Unfortunately, we had to come back to reality when Lucas got the call about Kayla. To say he was a nervous wreck was an understatement. I had to drive us back and that was fucking hell. I wanted to rip out my hair and pull out my fucking teeth. He just wouldn't shut up, because he bitched the whole way back. The fucker is lucky I love him so damn much.

As soon as we reached the football house I jumped out of the car and slammed the door shut. I stormed up to the house and walked in without looking back. I know he is going through a lot, and I understand that I truly do. He just does not need to be an asshole to me when all I am is trying to be there for him.

"What the fuck Jaxon?" Lucas storms in chest heaving. He's pissed off, good because I'm fucking livid. I whirl around and glare at him. "Don't you what the fuck me Lucas. I have had enough of this shit."

"Trouble in paradise." Chris smirks at us and some of the boy's chuckle.

"Not fucking now!" We both say to them, and I storm up the stairs as Lucas stomps his way up right after me. I slam my door in his face. It was a dick move I know, but fuck I am just trying to help. He swings the door open and then slams it shut "You want to do this let's fucking do this." He puffs out his chest and I square my shoulders. God as much as I'm pissed off at him, I'm turned on at the same fucking time.

There is really something wrong with me if this shit turns me on.

"Sure, how about what an asshole you have been the whole fucking way back." I step closer to him.

"I was not!"

"The fuck you weren't Lucas! As soon as you got that call you have been a dick to me. Telling me I don't fucking understand." He steps away from me and rubs his hands on his face. "Fuck!" He looks at me and I can see the emotional storm in his eyes. I walk up to him and pull him to me by the loop of his pants. "Don't push me away Lucas."

"I'm not tr-trying to. Damnit Jaxon I'm scared of what they will say." I press my lips to his forehead and sigh. "Well let's get this over with, so you can finally know the truth." Lucas nods his head and then brushes his lips against mine. I can never stay mad at this asshole for long. I want to just take all his pain away. He's been through so damn much. Lucas pulls me in close and deepens the kiss. Fuck I just want to have my way with him, and I know he does too. I growl as I pull away from him before we get distracted from the task at hand. "We need to go before this gets out of hand."

"Little late for that." He looks down at my crotch and sees the bulge in my pants. I growl again and the bastard laughs. My lips twitch into a smile because he is laughing. I rather see playful Lucas than a recluse Lucas. "We'll take care of that after we get back and get me moved into your house." Lucas eyes shine bright and I'm glad I can brighten them up like that. I did that and it fills me with pride. "Let's go babe." I kiss his head as I guide him out and down the stairs.

"Damn that was quickie." Ben chuckles. I am ready to beat his ass, but Lucas grabs my hand.

"Shut the fuck up!" Lucas walks us out not saying anything and head for my car. Once I back out Lucas starts bouncing his leg fast, a nervous tick of his. I lay my hand on his leg and it seems to calm him down some. "Thirty minutes and we should have some answers." Lucas nods his head and chews on his bottom lip.

"I wish we were still at the cabin." Lucas sighs as he lays his head against the window. "It was great, we definitely need to make that a tradition. Maybe next time we will not break any furniture." The mischief in his eyes makes them shine so bright. "Hey, I didn't tell you to jump on the bed butt ass naked. The look in your eyes when I moved out of the way was priceless."

"How the fuck was I supposed to know that it was going to break and then it would cave in on me." Lucas throws his head back and laughs. "You thought you broke your dick."

"Well fuck I heard something snap, and I was in shock that the bed fucking broke. You wouldn't be laughing if I did actually break my dick."

"No that would be a tragedy." I get interrupted when a car horn is blaring at me. "What the fuck is this asshole's problem?" I go to get in the other lane, but he just follows me. Then the car jerks forward. "That asshole just hit us." Lucas looks back and then turn towards me face pale. "I think he did it on purpose. Make a left now." Sure, enough the asshole turns. "Fuck drive Jaxon! I think this fucker is chasing us."


I press my foot on the gas pedal harder and speed down the road. "Call Jenkins and let him know what is going on since we were supposed to meet him." Lucas calls Detective Jenkins and tells him what's going on. "I'm fucking serious Jenkins we are being chased." I look in my rear-view mirror and the fucker is getting closer. "Yes, we are near Fosters bridge." Just then we get hit again and Lucas's phone goes flying out of his hand.

"Hold on Lucas." The car spins as I try to get it in control again.

"Shit Jaxon he's going to hit us again!"

Just then he hits us again and this time the car spins towards the edge of the bridge. Suddenly the car gets hit again with such a force that it hits the guardrail hard. This results me slamming my head against the window hard that I hear it crack.

My vision blurs and the last thing I remember is Lucas screaming my name. Then I see as the car topples off the bridge and heading into the river.

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