56. New Beginnings

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And darling I will be loving you 'til we're 70/ And baby my heart could still fall as hard at 23/ And I'm thinking 'bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways/ Maybe just the touch of a hand/Oh me I fall in love with you every single day/ And I just wanna tell you I am

-Ed Sheeran- Thinking Out Loud-


I can't believe our parents have pulled it off in just three months. I don't know who is more excited us or them. I'm standing in the tent trying to fix this damn tie, getting frustrated as all hell. "Fuck!" I hear my dad chuckle as he walks in. I'm ready to throw this damn thing and then stomp it into the ground.

"Someone looks nervous." I give my dad an incredulous look and he just laughs some more. "Here let me help."

"Do you think we are crazy getting married at twenty-one?"

"No son, not at all. You and Lucas have already overcome so much in such a short amount of time. I know you guys will be alright. Unless you are having second thoughts then we can postpone it." I take a deep breath. I'm not having doubts I am just really fucking nervous...no anxious...no fuck that I'm impatient. I want to be with Lucas right now. "I can't wait to fucking marry him." I smile and my dad pulls me into a hug. "I guess when I see Lucas, I am going to have to thank my son-in-law."

"For what?" I give my dad a dumbfounded look. "For taming you." He laughs as he wipes tears from his eyes. I roll my eyes. "Ha! If anything, he makes me wilder." My dad throws his head back and laughs some more. "Son, I meant you were a player. You didn't care before Lucas came around. Now look at you, getting married. My boy has grown up, and I will never be able to repay Lucas for saving your life." He pulls me into a hug, and I cling onto him, until my mother bursts through the tent.

"Okay chop, chop, it's time to go. You're soon to be husband is getting really antsy. Oh, baby you look so handsome."

"Mom breathe"

She takes a deep breath and fans her face. "I will not cry." I bring my mom into a hug and also have to take a deep breath. "Okay let's get you married my baby boy." My mom takes one arm and my dad the other, and we walk out of the tent and towards the weeping willow trees. I look at everything around and I completely understand why Lucas loves this place. As Lucas comes into view my breath hitches at the sight of my man.

I have seen him in suits but him in a tux holy fucking shit. Simply gorgeous. As I walk closer to him, I see his lip tremble. I smile at him, and I am so glad I lost the bet to see who stands at the altar, and who walks down the aisle. Because if I had to wait until he got to me it would be torture. I contemplate on walking slower just torture him some more. But the more I look at him, I just want to be by his side. I'm just glad that soon I will have his ring back on my finger, because I feel naked without it.

Naked...mmm I can't wait to rip that tux off him.

Fuck, stay focused. That can wait until later...stay focused. Do not have those thoughts right now while your parents are walking you down the fucking aisle. God, I need fucking help.

Once we reach Lucas my mom and dad hug me and then hug Lucas and go sit down. "It's about time you fucking got here." Lucas whispers in my ear and I can't help but chuckle. "Not so smug about winning that bet now huh!" I raise an eyebrow at him. "Shut up" he smiles so brightly at me. I'm honestly not listening to the preacher. He could be saying yada, yada, yada for all I care. Because I can't take my eyes off Lucas. Chris, Lucas's best man and Stacy my best girl nudge us at the same time. We then see the preacher staring at us slightly annoyed.

"Lucas you like to say your vows."

He nods his head, clears his throat and then takes my hand and kisses it.

"Jaxon, my cocky son of a bitch, you slammed right into my life when I was at my worse. When you first kissed me, I think I loved you then. Even though we just met, I was drawn to you the moment you laid eyes on me and gave me that fucking attitude." We both chuckle at that. "When Kayla," he takes a deep breath and I wipe the tear from his eye. I see his parents have tears as well. "When she got really sick you stuck by even when I pushed you away. I loved you then. I never knew a love like this could even exist but here it is... with us. I don't ever want to imagine my life without you. I promise that all though we will fight, I will still love you. When you're sick, I will still love you. Even if we have nothing but a penny to our name, I will still fucking love you. Because Jaxon you are the other part of my soul. Without you I don't exist."

This time he wipes the tears from my eyes and slips the ring on my finger. I take his hand and bring it to my lips.

"Lucas my wonderful cock sucking asshole."

Stacy starts laughing as the preacher shakes his head. I shrug my shoulders. I don't give a shit I'm going to say it how it is. Otherwise, it's just not us. Lucas eyes light up and laughs.

"God Lucas where do I even begin." I shake my head and smile at him. "We started this journey on a crazy note that's for sure. When I first met you, you were this cocky asshole." I chuckle and I see his eyes glisten again. "I knew you were flirting with me even when you thought I didn't realize it. I loved it, I never thought I would, but I truly did. All it took was one touch and I felt it, I felt it to my very soul even when it confused the hell out of me. You're not only my lover, but my best friend and so much more. Wh-when I a-almost lost you."

I take a deep breath and Lucas pulls me into a hug. "I'm right here baby. You brought me back. I'll always come for you." He pulls back and kisses my cheek. I grab his hands and bring them to my heart.

"A part of me was dying with you. I will not live my life without you, I know now I just can't. You're my other half, my stubborn half, the half that makes me feel so damn alive. The half that tests my limits, but still loves me, nonetheless. I loved you then, I love you now and I will love you until my dying breath." I slip his ring on his finger with shaky hands. I look at Lucas, eyes shining bright and smirk at him. "See I told you I could come up with something better than we fuck, we fight and can't wait to do that for the rest of our lives together."

Lucas loses it and starts laughing and so do I. I can here other people laugh in the background. W He takes my hand and kisses my it and brings it to his heart and lays our hands together there. "I love you, you cocky son of a bitch. Let's get through this, so he can tell us we are married." We turn our attention back to the preacher, to our amusement he shakes his head and chuckles.

The preacher and his yada, yada, yada again all I heard was kiss and both Lucas and I move forward and crash our lips together with tears streaming down our faces. He pulls me closer to him and as always it's just him and I. Everything else just seems to fade away. Well that is until Ben's loud mouth opens up and yells, "Get a room!" We pull apart beaming at each other.

"We did it baby, we're fucking married!" I laugh as Lucas kisses me again. Right now this is the best day of my fucking life. This is our new beginning.

"We sure as hell did." I pull Lucas into a hug, and I love it when he puts his head in the crook of my neck and kisses that spot.

If we thought our lives before this moment was crazy, boy were we ever wrong.

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