36. Welcome to Paradise

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I drifted off to sleep sometime during our flight. Last night our shenanigans wore me out. But it was so worth it, every time with Lucas is worth being somewhat exhausted. I wake up to a ghost of a kiss on my lips, leaving my body wanting more.

"Welcome to Paradise love," Lucas whispers in my ear. There goes that fucking stampede in my chest again. I hope that feeling never goes away.

I open my eyes and see the most genuine smile I have ever seen on Lucas's face. I move my head off his shoulder, and because I can't help myself I kiss him. Lucas cups my face and deepens the kiss. When he kisses me I forget everything around me. I move my body where I am practically on top of him. He tilts his head and deepens the kiss more. Fuck I want to rip his clothes off and have my way with him again.

"Oh for the love God! Will you two wait until you are alone."

I pull away and glare at Chris. "Well you can always go home. No one is stopping you. Hell I'll pay for your ticket back." He puts his hand on his heart like I wounded him. "No fucking way we are in the Bahamas. I'm not missing this. You know how many hot babes will be here."

"I could care less about your hot babes. I got the hottest one right here." I look at Lucas ready to devour him again. Lucas clears his throat. "Chris just wait for us outside. I um need to calm down a moment." I look down and see his dick trying to poke out of his shorts. This makes me giggle and as soon as the noise escapes my mouth I cover my mouth in horror.

"Did you just giggle?" Lucas gives me an amused look. I clear my throat. "No...nope I have no idea what you are talking about." He throws his head back and laughs.

God this is so embarrassing

I cross my arms over my chest, not thinking it's very funny. Chris walks off muttering how we are never going to get out of here, and Lucas leans into me. "I think it's adorable, just like you." He bops me on the nose. "Maybe I can make you giggle again, when we are alone." Fuck he almost made me do it again.

"Nope, not going to happen." I jump up grab my stuff and hightail it off the plane. "Jaxon Reynolds you get your sexy ass back here and do that again!" I cover my mouth with my hand again as I exit the plane to stop the giggles from happening. I hear Lucas come up behind me and spins me around. "Mark my words Jaxon I will get you to do that again. " He attacks my neck and fuck my knees get weak.

"Are they always like this?" I hear Ryder ask but I just don't give a fuck about anybody else when I am near my boyfriend. "You have no idea bro. Since they moved out of the house, it doesn't sound like a porno is happening twenty-four seven. It got so bad we all bought earplugs, so we didn't have to hear these two. It was either they were fighting or fucking, hell both at the same time probably."

If I could move, I'd punch Chris in his smug little face. Lucas pulls me flush to his body. "You will do that again for me, won't you baby?" Fuck I can't think straight staring into his eyes, I just nod my head. "Use your words Jaxon." He purrs my name and fuck I feel the pre-cum dripping down my leg.


Lucas smiles at me and kisses me too quick for my liking. He helps me into the car, and we take off. Chris turns around and looks at us. "Now kids, can you promise to keep your horny hands to yourself for the remainder of the drive."

"Fuck you!" We both laugh and Lucas grabs my hand and puts it in his lap.

"I fucking give up!" Chris throws his hands in the air and turns around.

Suffice to say we behaved ourselves, well besides the dirty things we whispered to each other. As soon as we got to the hotel Lucas grabbed our key, told Ryder and Chris to meet us at the restaurant in the hotel in an hour. We rushed to get to our room like two crazy teenagers. Once the elevator doors closed Lucas pinned me against the wall and ravished my mouth. When the elevator dings, he grabs my hand, and we are off running. I don't ever remember laughing this much and it's all because of him.

We enter the room and I see our bags already here. I walk around and take a look at this huge ass room. There is a balcony with glass doors, and you can see the ocean. I bet it be a nice view if I really paid attention, but my thoughts were elsewhere at the moment. The bed is a huge king size bed, when I turn around, I see Lucas charging after me like we are on the field. I shriek because I didn't expect that, and he tackles me to the bed. As I flop on the bed, I let out another giggle and cover my mouth.

"Fuck Jaxon do it again."

"No" He shimmies out of his shorts and boxers and pulls his shirt over his head. "Do it Jaxon." He stands up on the bed towering over me. Fuck I want to run my hands all over that glorious body.


"Okay you asked for it."

He jumps and then he is falling on top of me, but he makes sure he doesn't crush me. I giggle because he wants me to, and I'd do anything for him. He growls at me and yanks my shorts down. I can see him as a wild beast right now ready to attack, and I welcome it. He attacks my lips again, and without warning he plunges inside me. I cry out in pleasure, but he swallows them all with his tongue. My dick rubs against his stomach as he pushes in and out, in and out. Sweat pours off our bodies.

"Fuck Jaxon you amaze me every day and you're all mine!" He growls as he pushes in deeper.

"Oh fuck!... Yes!... All yours!" He pounds into me even harder. "I'm gonna..."

"Cum inside me Lucas."

He grunts out my name and I feel him pulsate inside which makes me cum. When Lucas pulls out, he leans down and licks all my cum off my stomach. He makes everything look fucking sexy. He kisses me and I moan as I taste myself on his lips.

"Welcome to Paradise baby."

Paradise In-Fucking-Deed

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