34. Getting Some Answers

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After finally being with Lucas again we get in the shower. I didn't realize how vulnerable I made him, the thing is he is my weakness too. That's not always a bad thing, it can either bring people together or tear them apart. Personally, I think it makes us the strongest fucking couple there is.

"What are you thinking so hard about?" Lucas says as he carefully washes my hair. I hum at how good this feels. Once the shampoo is rinsed out, I open my eyes and stare at him. "How much stronger we are together." I lean him up against the wall. "How desperately I want to be inside you right now." My dick is throbbing for your sweet ass." I bring my lips to his neck and suck on the spot that drives him wild. I'm so glad I remember this. Once my lips leave his neck he turns around and plants his hands on the wall.

Oh, fuck yeah!

I get on my knees and spread his cheeks and slip my tongue inside as I play with his balls. Once I tease him enough, I slide myself inside him and bury myself deep in there.

"Oh, fuck Lucas! It's like fucking you for the first time again."

"Mmmm" I pull out and push back in. I love watching my dick slide in and out of his sexy ass. "I could fuck you forever." He looks at me as I thrust in and out of him and I slide my tongue into his mouth. Our moans fill the air as I stroke him faster and fuck him harder.

"Oh, oh fuck Jax!"

I pull out and go back in deeper and stay as my dick twitches inside him, like he did to me earlier. I rotate my hips, pull out just a little then dive in deeper.


"Cum for me Lucas."

On command he cums and fuck that is still the hottest thing ever. I kiss him again as I go faster feeling my own release coming. Once I let go, I leave my dick inside him. I love seeing my cum drip out of him, leaving my mark on him. I eventually pull out, or I'm just going to get hard again, and we will never get shit done.

Lucas turns around and we just stare at each other. Suddenly he pulls me into a hug, and I relish in this moment with him. "Are you okay Lucas? Did I hurt you?" I didn't think I did, but I need to make sure. I always think of Lucas as being this strong man, which he is, but there is also a very vulnerable side.  It's where he lets his walls down all the way and everything just pours out of him. Sometimes it worries me, because it can be destructive.

"No, I'm just worried."

I lift his chin up so he looks at me. I know he hates this vulnerable side he has. Truth be told I love it. I don't love that he feels vulnerable, but I love the fact he is so comfortable around me that he doesn't hide it.

"Worried about what love?"

"What we already suspect with my parents. That this will drive us apart eventually."

"Not going to happen Lucas. You listen to me. Nothing or nobody is going to tear us apart. The only person that can do that is you or myself with insecurities. You know I love you right?"

"Of course, I do." I let out a breath just thankful that he doesn't doubt that I love him. "Then that's what matters the most. We have faith in each other. I know this is both our first relationship ever but we will make it work."

"First loves usually never last."

"Fuck statistics Lucas! You're my ONLY love. God knows I won't be able to handle going through this shit again and neither will you. Hell, I couldn't even remember us as a couple, and I felt...I felt something missing, and that was you. Just like when I first met you, there was something missing until you came along. I couldn't stay fucking away from you then and I sure as hell can't now nor I ever will. So that's how I know we can make it through all this shit."

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