42. Happy Birthday Lucas

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We have three days left before it's back to reality. They still haven't found his parents, but they arrested Nathaniel. So that is something we will have to deal with when we get back. Right now, though, I'm going to make these last few days count. After Lucas's breakdown, which I still feel like shit about, I need to make it up to him. I never want him to feel that way again. So, we just stayed in for two days watching movies or hanging out by the pool. If I would have known, I would have never done that. Lucas has told me time and time again to let it go, but I need to make it up to him.

I get up early and leave Lucas a note saying I'll be back. Now I can get his birthday surprise ready. It is very hard to get him something when we have spent almost every waking minute together, but I did it. I just really hope that he loves his gift. I walk out of the hotel to a little shop down the road to pick up his gift. It was hard deciding, I mean what do you get someone that could have anything he wants with the money he has. But Lucas is not like that, he doesn't flash his money around. Come to think of it, this is the most I've seen him spend money and it's for me. So, this is my way of giving him something that will hopefully mean a lot to him.

Relationship stuff is hard, I never knew that it could cause someone to literally have an anxiety attack. I never had to worry about this kind of shit before, since I never cared about someone this much. Lucas is so damn worth it and so much more and he doesn't even realize it. A smile spreads across my face just imagining him opening up his gift.

God I really hope he loves it. fuck now I'm nervous about it again. I really hate this shit!

As I walk back to the hotel and up to our room, I get there just in time. The bellboy has our breakfast and was just about to knock.  I give him a tip and bring the cart inside. I put his gift into my bag and then put our breakfast on the nightstand. Lucas stirs and I brush his hair out of his face. When his eyes flutter open, he smiles at me. 

Fuck how does he do it? He always makes my heartbeat faster with just a look.

"Morning Jaxon."

"Morning baby, happy birthday love."

I lean down and kiss his lips, when I pull back, he has a dazzling smile. It's a smile that would make anyone go crazy for him. And I'm just that lucky son of a bitch that gets to say he's mine so back off bitches. "I brought you breakfast."

"Hmm thank you." Lucas blushes and fuck I need to make him do that more often. It's so fucking adorable it's sexy. I'm definitely a goner for this man. "Eat up because I have a surprise for you."

"Really" His eyes get wider, and I can't help but chuckle. He looks like a kid at Christmas time waiting to open up presents. "Yes, I planned our day together." He presses his lips to mine, but I pull away quickly because I do not want to waste the day. We have plenty of time for that later. Once we eat and get dressed, we head out. I grab his hand and interlace my fingers with his.

"So, what are we doing today?"

"You'll see, we are almost there." We get to the area where they have zip lining and Lucas freezes. "No fucking way! "At first I think he is excited until I see the horror on his face. Shit, I fucked this up. "Jaxon I can't do that." He shakes his head and walks away. I jog to catch up to him, damn the fucker is faster than I give him credit for.

"Hey what's wrong."

"I'mafraidofheights," I lift a brow in confusion. "Come again" I think I heard him right, but I just need him to confirm it. "I'm afraid of heights Jaxon!" He moves his head away from me. I know he feels embarrassed by his confession, but I don't care. We all have stuff we are afraid of. "But you have no problem with airplanes or helicopter rides."

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