33. Taking Care of Business

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It's not a dream, he remembers. This beautiful creature beside me just got out of the damn hospital, and he wants to fuck. As much as I want to I just can't. I want to make sure he is okay first. I think this is the first time I have been so hesitant with him. Finally, I understand how he felt when I came out the hospital.

"Well," He wiggles his eyebrows at me, and I laugh because I am so fucking happy. I thank God he remembers. This past week has been torture. I felt so pissed off at first but then my heart broke because he couldn't remember. My emotions were all over the place. I have never been one to wear my emotions on my sleeve until my cocky son of a bitch came strolling into my life.

"You are such a dork."

"C'mon Lucas" he whines and rolls over where he is laying halfway on me. "It's been a fucking month since we've been together." He starts grinding on my side as he kisses my neck. I growl at him and flip him on his back, and hover over him.

"Quit it you fucking horn dog."

"I want you Lucas. I can feel you want me too."

I grab his chin, so he looks at me. "I always want you Jaxon." I move my lips towards his, but I don't kiss him. Jaxon whimpers as I move my lips away and across his jaw, never letting my lips connect with his skin. I travel up his neck until I reach his ear. "If you're a good boy I will give you a surprise." I kiss him right below his ear and feel him shiver. I move my lips back to his and just hover over him again. "Can you do that for me?"

"Y-yes" he says breathlessly. I go to get up but damn I want to taste him and go back to him kiss him hard. He surprises me and pulls my whole weight down on him, and I can feel how hard he is.

Fuck this backfired really quick.

He moves his head and dives his tongue further in my mouth. I get lost in the moment and fight for dominance of the kiss. My man moves his hands down under my sweatpants to my ass and grabs hold. He pushes me more into his body, I can feel myself getting ready to lose control, but now is not the time for that. I reluctantly pull back and both of us are panting hard. "That's not being good Jaxon." I struggle to say in a strong voice.

"You can punish me then."

"Fuck!" I jump up and put some space between us.

"Two can play this game of yours Lucas." He props himself up on his elbows, as he hisses out my name. Fucker knows what that does to me.

"Cocky son of a bitch!"

"Cock sucker! Come give daddy what he wants." He throws his head back and laughs. I look at him in horror. "Never! and I mean never say that again." I shudder and not in a good way. He gets up and walks towards me and I back up. I see the playful glint in his eyes.

"What? That don't get you off?"

"Hell fucking No! That's not my kind of kink and you fucking know it!" I shake my head. I think they need to check his head again for possible brain damage. He pushes me up against the wall and grabs my dick and I hiss. Fuck that feels so good. Fucker is good at distracting me. "I know what you want Lucassss." Fuck him and his damn hissing. He gets to his knees and puts his mouth over my sweatpants. My dick springs up starving for his attention, he lays his mouth over it and fucking hell I want that. I lean my head back and close my eyes, as I feel him pull my pants down. "I want thissss." Him and his fucking hissing as he runs his tongue against my length.

"Damnit Jaxon!" I pull away from the trance he put me in. "We have shit we need to take care of first." I pull my pants up and create some space. I need to take care of this to make sure nothing like this ever happens to him again. I would not be able to handle it if something ever happened to him. If I thought a month was bad, a lifetime could be worse, and I cannot lose him.

"You want me, but you push me away. Very convincing asshole." I can see the pain and the anger in his eyes. I whirl around and stalk towards him. I put my hand on his throat and he moans. "You like that baby." I pull on his bottom lip with my teeth.

"Y-yes Lucasss."

"Well," I move my other hand between us and lightly touch him. "We have business to take care of first." I let go of him and walk back to the bed to grab my phone. I need to get this taken care of so we can find some peace. I need to call the detective to find out what the hell is going on.

"We definitely do Lucas." I look at Jaxon and he is standing there in all his naked glory.

"Fucking hell!"

This is the first time I have seen him naked in a month. I drop my phone as he starts stroking his shaft. Then I look up his body and see some scars from the accident. As much as I want him, those scars are a reminder of how close I was to losing him. "No Jax not now! I need to get this taken care of. I n-need to make sure you are s-safe." I get choked up when I look into his eyes. "I need to make sure this n-never happens again." All playfulness dies from his eyes, and he sits his beautiful naked ass on me. I wrap my arms around him and kiss his chest. "I can't go through that again Jaxon, I just can't."

"I'm right here baby." He brings his lips down on mine and this time I don't fight it, I welcome it. I bring my hands up to his head and I can feel his scar and I cry out. It hurts too much thinking what he went through. "I'm okay, just like you told me before. I'm not made of fucking glass." He kisses my head. "I'm okay" he says again as he kisses my cheeks, nose and lips. He repeats it over and over again. That is until I grab ahold of him and shut him the hell up as I kiss him senseless.

I break the kiss as I pull my shirt off. "Okay we take care of this business first." I crash my lips back onto his, as he lays me down on the bed. I roll us over so I can get rid of my pants never breaking our kiss. His hands frantically help me. I kiss down his neck as I put two fingers in his mouth. I kiss each scar on his body as I come back up to his lips, replacing my fingers with my mouth. I pour every emotion I have out for this man as I push my finger inside him. Jax sucks on my tongue as I add a second finger. His moans vibrate my insides. I can feel the pre cum dripping.


That's all it takes as I pull my fingers out and slowly guide my dick in him. I lean down and kiss him again. My head is swimming with the way he feels, the way he smells of sandalwood and mint all the time. It's just the way he looks at me that I crave so much. My movements are slow and steady as I slide in and out of him.

"Don't ever leave me again Jaxon." I thrust into him deeper and hold it there as my dick pulsates inside him.

"Fuck never!" he cries out.

"You can't forget me again." I pull out and do the same move to him again.

"Of fuck Lucas I'm going to..." I feel him cum all over our stomach's. I start moving in and out of him faster. Like I'm trying to outrun my demons. Jaxon pulls me down to him and kisses me. "Stay with me Lucas." I focus on him as I feel myself release. I pull out and lay next to him. "I'm sorry I got lost in my head for a moment."

"Been there." He chuckles and I growl at him. "Okay too soon for that joke."

"Not ever a joke Jaxon."

"Still got what I wanted didn't I" he wiggles his eyebrows and I smack his shoulder.

"I definitely got what I wanted. I got you back." His eyes get glossy, and he kisses me. "Okay my sexy cock sucking asshole, let's get cleaned up and then go see Detective Jenkins." I shake my head, "No we will have him come here and see what the hell he has to say about all this shit that's happened"

"Together" he says as he stands up and pulls me up with him.


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