20. The Letters

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To say I'm nervous is an understatement. How does one deal with someone's last words? I mean did she write them right before she died or long before that? I kiss his lips one more time before I reluctantly get out of bed and go to my drawer. I pick up the letters and walk back to bed. I give Lucas his letter and he takes it with a shaky hand.

"Do you want to go first or me?" I ask Lucas and I can see he is fighting off tears right now. He looks at me with pleading eyes. Lucas doesn't have to say anything I just know he's not ready yet. "I'll go first baby."

"Thank you, Jaxon." He leans over and rests his head on my shoulder as comfortably as he can. I kiss the top of his forehead and open the letter.

My dearest Jaxon,

Lucas rolls his eyes but has a small sad smile on his face. I bet right now my brother is rolling his eyes for me saying that. Lucas huffs as I chuckle. Damn this girl knew her brother too well.

Don't get jealous Luke. I couldn't steal Jaxon away even if I wanted to. I mean I definitely would have tried if you had fucked things up royally. But in the end, I am glad you two worked your shit out. Otherwise, I would have done my best to kick both of your asses. All joking aside if you are reading this then that means I didn't make it. I'm sorry, I didn't want to go but I guess it was my time.

A tear slips down Lucas's face and I wipe it away with my thumb.

The one thing I am the most grateful for is that I know you will be there for my brother. Jaxon, I knew the moment he started talking about you, that you must be something special. Even when he didn't know what the fuck he wanted, or I should say what you wanted too. Stubborn asses. I could just see it in both of your eyes, that you two have some special and rare for most people. Not a lot of people believe in true love or soulmates, but I do. Call me a hopeless romantic, but I know you two are the real deal.

Just remember to take care of each other and love each other no matter what. Thank you for all you have done for me, and for my brother.

I love you guys so much. I wish I could stay for so many reasons, but mainly you two. I guess it just wasn't written in the stars for me. Before I end this letter, please promise me one more thing Jaxon. Don't be sad when you guys think of me. I'm not in any more pain.

I love you,


P.S. If you want to know of Luke's dirty little secrets and stories, he wouldn't let me tell. I have some things hidden throughout our house, that I planned on using as blackmail one day. Guess now you will have to find them to know. 

"That little shit!" Lucas laughs a little and shakes his head. "It will take forever to find her hiding spots." I look at Lucas and kiss his lips and wipe more tears from his eyes. He reaches up and does the same. I didn't even realize that I was crying. " I guess I will have to find them before you do."

"Oh, the hell you will!" I laugh as I think to myself, I am definitely going to find them.

"I guess it's my turn." Lucas tries to open the letter but with one hand in a cast, he is having a hard time. "Fucking son of a bitch!"

I take the letter from him and open up. "Here you go babe. Scooch down a little." He does what I ask slowly so he doesn't hurt himself. I move to sit behind him and wrap my arms around him. I see him slowly start to relax as he lays his head on my chest. "There much better."

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