39. That Damn Pig

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I wake up to Jaxon sleeping soundly next to me. I get up even though I want to stay snuggled next to my exquisite man. He looks so fucking hot with just a sheet wrapped around his waist. I can see his muscular back covered just lightly with some freckles by his broad shoulders. I want to play connect the dots with them. Why I just thought of that, I have no fucking clue.

I go to the bathroom and decide I'm going to take advantage of the jacuzzi tub. As I wait for it to fill up, I think of the last four days here and a smile plays on my lips. I'm so damn happy right now, I do not want to leave. I step in the tub and moan, God this feels so damn good on my sore muscles. I close my eyes and think of everything we have done from swimming with the dolphins, hiking and Jaxon getting scared because of a pig. I chuckle at that memory.

"Lucas I swear if you don't get back out here, I will drag your sexy ass in this water."

We have just got done surfing and now he wants to play in the water again. My man is acting like a kid pouting at me, and I laugh. The laugh I have dies on my lips when I see what's coming up behind Jaxon.

"No way I'm not coming back in when there is fucking pig swimming right behind you."

"Ha-ha Lucas I'm not falling for that shit."

I'm standing at the shoreline, while Jax is standing to where the water is just below his waist. "I'm serious Jax" but I don't finish what I say as Jaxon gets thrown backwards in the water. "What the fuck was that?" He says as he wipes the water off his face. When he opens his eyes, he screams so loud I can't help but laugh because the pig is right in front of him.

"Lucas, it's a fucking pig!"

"You don't say...I tried to warn you." I bend over laughing as the pig chases Jaxon around. This is too fucking comical. Who would have known that Jaxon is scared of a damn pig. "Lucas get this fucking pig away from me!... Pig go away! You little fucker! Ahhhhhh!" The pig comes toward him again knocking him back in the water. I'm laughing so hard there's tears in my eyes. God, I wish I had a camera. Oh, wait I do! I run over to our stuff and take out my phone and snap a picture. He might kill me for this, but it will be damn worth it.

"I swear to God Lucas if you don't help me. I will NEVER have sex with you AGAIN!" He screams again as he is stumbling. The pig keeps knocking him down in the water.


I run out there and realize that he ended out farther than I thought. It takes me a moment to get to him. As soon as I get to Jax he jumps on me, and we tumble in the water. The pig swims up to us and Jaxon jumps on my back trying to climb his way up my body, like a damn spider monkey. It was not the best thing to do because I go under struggling to get back up. Once I'm above water I glare at Jax. "Are you trying to fucking kill me? Keep it up and I will feed you to the fucking pig"

"Then you won't have my wonderful cock buried deep inside you ever again, if you kill me asshole. Just get me the fuck out of here!"

I would laugh but he looks absolutely scared shitless. I guess he is really scared of pigs, who would have thought. "Hold on, just try not to drown me this time." He wraps his legs around me, and arms around my neck. I hold onto his ass, which I don't mind at all. "I'm sorry babe." He says as he buries his head in my neck. We look fucking ridiculous two tall ass men, one carrying the other out of the water. But do I care...not one fucking bit.

Once we finally make it out of the water I stumble, and we fall onto the sand. "Scared of a little piggy." I laugh as I lean down and kiss his lips. "Fuck you, asshole." Jax pushes my body away, but I just put all my body weight back on him.  "Hmmm that could be arranged.I kiss him again, but he flips me over on my back. "You are so going to pay for that Lucas," he says into the kiss, but the next thing that happens has us both screaming like little girls. That damn pig came up to us while we were kissing and licked both of our faces. We scrambled to get up and started running. That fucking pig was chasing after us.

I open my eyes and see Jaxon slip into the tub. "What are you laughing about baby?" He places one hand on the tub by my head, then places his other hand down. My head is entrapped between his strong arms, Jax lays his body on top of mine. I was so enthralled by the proximity of his body, that I almost forgot his question.

"Oh th-that damn pig." Jaxon's whole-body shudders. "Don't ever speak of that again...ever!" I start laughing and then I feel his hand grab my dick and lightly squeezes, I moan. "I mean it Lucas, or I will not touch this," he squeezes again, and I arch my back begging him not to stop. 

"For a very long time." Two can play this game. I laugh hard and move my hand down to his hard shaft. "You want to make a bet." He shifts his body so he's on the opposite side of the tub. That's what I thought. "What kind of bet?" He smirks back at me. God, I love that devilish grin of his and his competitive side.

"Well, you keep threatening to not have sex with me. Let's see who caves first." I arch an eyebrow at him in challenge. "What will you have to do when you cave first?" I laugh so hard, "okay if you say so, you cocky son of a bitch." He just smirks at me. "Okay whoever caves first does whatever the winner wants."


"Anything, but Jaxon don't get to upset when you lose." He moves to me fast and splashes water as he does. Jaxon's back lays on my chest as he moves his fingers lightly over my cock and it twitches from his touch. "What's the rules Lucas?" I clear my throat and I know the bastard is smirking. So, I tilt my head and suck on his neck and twist his nipple with one hand as I start stroking him with the other. When he moans, I pull my lips back and flick his ear with my tongue.

 "Only one, whoever cums first loses."

"Does the bet start tomorrow?" He pants out and I try not to laugh at the whine in his voice. "Nope starts right now." I kiss his cheek and get up and out of the tub. "Where are you going?"

"Getting dress babe, I'm starving." Jaxon groans as he sinks under the water. Once he emerges from the bathroom he starts muttering under his breath. "That damn Pig, it's all his fault... fucking pig. If I get a hold of him next time, he's going to be bacon on my plate."

I can't contain it anymore and laugh as Jaxon glares at me. "I wouldn't laugh if I were you Lucas, you're asking for it."

"One of us is going to have blue balls and it ain't going to be me." I laugh and Jaxon lunges for me, but I dart out of his way. I swing open the door just as Chris has his hand up to knock. Jaxon takes me down along with Chris.

"What the fuck guys? Is Jaxon naked...oh my god! Get the fuck off me now!" Chris shrieks loudly. He tries to squirm his way out from under us, but it's no use he is trapped.

"Oh my! Well hello boys." Stacy coos looking down on us. We freeze and all look up at her. Well, this is fucking awkward. I'm on top of Chris and Jaxon's naked ass is on top of me. Chris struggles to get out from under us.

"Oooh, are you guys having a Lucas sandwich? Can I watch?"

This is not how I imagined our day to start.

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