14. Meet the Parents

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Warning: In this chapter there will be some derogatory slurs. I want to express that I DO NOT condone these kinds of comments towards anyone in real life. It is just part of the characters opinions on the subject. If you will take offense to it then skip ahead it's just who these characters are.


I have seen Lucas pissed, mainly at me, but this is different. He clenches and unclenches his fist. If he doesn't calm down, he might have a panic attack. I do not want to see that again. It scared the shit out of me last time. The woman that just strides in, doesn't show any emotion to what Lucas just says.

Who the fuck is she?

"I'm not going to say it again Sheila. Get the fuck out."

Fuck it's his mother.

He doesn't yell, he's calm...too calm. She strides up to him and smacks him across the face. I jump off the couch. "What the fuck?"

"Son." my dad looks at me, he gives me a warning look. I don't pay attention to my dad, I just walk over to them. This bitch has no right to touch him. I check Lucas's face. "You, okay?" He shakes his head. I can tell he is trying to hold it together. He doesn't want to show his emotions to her. I know that it got to him though.

"Don't ever speak to me like that ever again Lucas Nathaniel Roberts."

"You don't belong here. You lost all right when you signed over your rights for Kayla to me."

In strides a man who I can only assume is Mr. Roberts. Lucas stands up straighter and puffs out his chest like he's ready for a fight. Well, if there is a fight, I definitely got Lucas's back. 

"Great the whole fam-damnly is here."

"Don't take that tone boy." Lucas hands start shaking again and I grab it to calm him down. His mom gasps and looks between us.

"You've become one of them."

What the actual fuck?  One of them. Have we become aliens with antenna's growing out of our heads? I turn around to check to see if we have tails growing out of our asses or something. These people are really starting to piss me off and I am ready to knock the smug look off his face.

"You're a faggot!" His father says and I begin to shake. I step forward but Lucas tries to stop me. Fuck him and his bigotry.

"Jaxon don't." I whirl around at Lucas, I'm not pissed off at him, but them. I will not let them hurt him more than they already have. "Fuck that, Lucas. I'm not going to let him talk to you...to us like that." Lucas turns to me. "It doesn't matter to me, because I don't care what they think. They are nothing to me anymore."

Lucas walks away towards my parents but his dad, still don't know the douchebag's name. He grabs the back of Lucas shirt and yanks him back. I see red and I throw a punch at him. I'm ready to do it again when my dad grabs me.

"If Lucas doesn't kill him I will! Don't you ever lay a hand on my boyfriend again motherfucker! You weren't there for Kayla, we were!"

No remorse whatsoever on these fucktards faces.

"Why the fuck are you two here? I know it's not for a happy reunion." Lucas yells at them and my dad makes me step back but my mom walks towards us. His sorry excuse of a mother hands him some papers. I can see the team looking at us from the stairs, but I shake my head at them.

"We need you to sign this."

"May I Lucas?" My mom asks and he doesn't even hesitate, he gives them right over. Sheila looks panicked, something just does not feel right.

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