35. Not What I Was Expecting

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"Are you sure you boys will be okay?" Kate fusses over us as we finish packing our bags. Jaxon rolls his eyes, and Kate smacks him on his shoulder. I hold back a chuckle when I see that Kate wanted to hit his head, but thought better of it.

"We will be fine mom, I promise."

"I just worry about you boys. I mean why did you two decided to wait until the last minute to pack?" Jax looks at me and gives me a smug smile. Maybe because your son bent me over and fucked me over and over again. Or that I did the same to him. Yeah, not going to be telling her that.

"Kate, sweetie they are responsible adults." Responsible to make sure our needs for each other came first. Eddie raises an eyebrow at us and smirks. He knows what's more important.

"They are still babies." She whines as she pulls us into a hug. I can't suppress it any longer and laugh. It feels good to have a parent worry about me, even if it's not my own parents. "I promise Kate you know everything we will be doing."

Jaxon whips his head towards me. "Everything!"

"Oh god Jaxon! Do you really think he'd tell us about your sex life? " Kate almost shouts. 

Jax's cheeks turn a deep shade of red. Fuck he's adorable. I start laughing and not just any type of laugh, a full-on belly laugh. Once I get myself in check, I look at Kate and Eddie. "Kate, you know where we are staying and if anything changes, I will let you know. Also, you are welcome to stay here instead of the hotel." I take the heat off him and Jax gives me a grateful smile.

"We'll take you up on that son. Our house will be ready in a couple days." Eddie claps me on the shoulder. They decided to move closer to Jaxon after the accident. Being so far away wasn't cutting it.

The doorbell rings and Jaxon goes to answer it. While Kate still fusses with helping us pack. "I'm glad you both are going on vacation... you both need it. I'm just glad everything is back as it should be. So, you might as well enjoy it before school starts back up."

"I'm so happy Kate, we definitely need this." I give her a hug and whisper in her ear, " Thank you for everything and help keeping me sane." She wipes a tear from her eye and smiles at me, "you helped keep us sane too Lucas. I am just so happy that Jaxon has you." As I back away from the embrace she shakes her head and giggles at me. "One day Lucas, I will get you to call me mom." I shake my head and bite my lip to keep my emotions at bay. I think I have done enough crying to last me a lifetime.


Jaxon yells and I rush out of the room. My heart starts beating faster in my chest. Why does he sound like that? I get down the stairs and see a fuming Jaxon.

"What the fuck Lucas?" He points at Ryder and Chris as they come in. "Why is Chris here?"

"Nice to see you too Jax. I'm here to help."

"Lucas it was supposed to be just us." He whines and I can't help but chuckle. Like I said too fucking adorable. "Two heads are better than one." Chris says as his brother just smacks him upside the head. "I promise you won't know I'm there." I roll my eyes, when I mentioned this to him yesterday, I didn't expect him to tag along. He argued with me over how it be best, I just gave up. But by the death glare Jaxon is giving me...it might have slipped my mind to mention this to him. I was too distracted last night by him to remember about Chris.

"This is going to be the vacation from hell!" Jaxon grunts out.

"Love you too man." Chris pats him on the shoulder. While Jax parents try not to laugh. My man just shrugs him off and walks over to me. I feel his arms snake around my waist, and his head rest on my shoulder. "Don't ever say that again Chris. The only man allowed to ever say that is Lucas." I feel his lips brush my cheek.

"Am I chop liver son."

"Okay you too dad."

"I hate to interrupt," Ryder speaks for the first time. This guy looks intimidating as hell. I would say he's at least six foot six, and built like a fucking tank. "We need to get going if we don't want to miss our flight."

We say our goodbyes and head to the airport. As we sit in the back as Chris and Ryder banter about what they are going to do. Jax lays his head on my shoulder. "You sure you up for this Jax?" He smacks me on my chest, and I hold his hand there. "I'm fine Lucas. I haven't had a headache and the doc cleared me remember." I kiss his forehead then lean my head on his. "I'm just worry that's all." He chuckles and then looks at me. I swear from just staring in his eyes alone can get me worked up. "You weren't so worried last night when we fucked over and over again." God the desire in his eyes, I just want him right here and now. "You do that to me Jax I can't help myself." I whisper in his ear, "I'd have my way with you right now too if I could."

"I'm so going to marry you guys." Both our heads whip to the front seat where Chris is beaming at us. "What the fuck did you say? Lucas is mine!" Jaxon growls and fuck does that turn me on even more. Ryder laughs, "way to dig yourself in a hole little bro."

"That's not... I wasn't...oh fuck!" I would laugh at how fluster he is. The only thing stopping me is Jax seething, I see him clench his fists. I love this possessiveness he has over me. "Damnit, I meant when it's time I'm going to be the one to be marrying you two. Not in as all three of us together. What the fuck Jax? I don't swing that way and you know it...I'll be your officiant that's the word I was looking for."

"Oh!" I see the blush creeping up my man's neck and fuck is he adorable, hot and sexy as hell. He looks so damn innocent when he does that, but I definitely know different.

"Yeah oh! Now quit your shit you possessive fucker, we're here." Chris huffs as he gets out of the truck. Ryder laughs and shakes his head. "He'll get over it and his embarrassment... eventually." Then he gets out and it's just us two. "Married huh!" Jaxon eyes me with what looks like a wishful look. Hot damn it gives me hope that maybe one day we will get there.

"Maybe one day."

"Yeah maybe." I grab his face and kiss him deeply. Fuck I would marry him in a heartbeat. I just want all this shit done with first. Chris pounds on the window and makes us jump. "Quit trying to fuck and let's go. We'll miss our flight." Jaxon groans and flips him off. "This is definitely not what I was expecting." He points at Chris, and I can't help but laugh. "He better not fuck up my alone time with you." Jax grabs my hand as we get out of the truck.

"Trust me he won't." I interlace my hand with his as we walk into the airport. Once we wait in line to board the plane, I turn Jax towards me. I move his hair out of his face, so I can get a clear view of his stunning eyes. "One day Jaxon. If you still want me, I will marry you." He snakes his arms around my neck and the smile he gives me stills my heart. "One day Lucas, I will hold you to that."  I kiss his lips and hold him tight to me. I don't care about Chris telling us to get a room or anyone around us. All I care about is Jaxon and one day we will have it all.

"You ready for the best two weeks of your life baby?"

"Oh, you bet your sweet ass Lucas. Bring it fucking on."

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