30. Scattered Memories

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Where is he? I can't find him anywhere. He was just next to me. We were in the car and it was about to go over the bridge. Oh shit! Where the fuck am I? I'm freaking the fuck out, please let me find him.


I take off running and it feels like I am going around in circles. Then I hear him yell for me but I can't see him.

"Lucas I'm right here!" His voice gets faint and then it's gone. "No! Lucas, please come back! Don't leave me." Wherever I am at it feels like I've been here for years.  I haven't heard his voice in so long. I'm so exhausted, I feel like giving up.

"Damnit Jaxon! You need to wake up. C'mon you cocky son of a bitch! I fucking need you!"


I feel a touch but can't see it. I move my hand towards where I felt it. But there still is nothing there. What the hell is going on? Did I die? Oh, shit we are dead, and I am in my own personal hell, where I can hear him but not see him.

"That's it, fucker wake up and let me see your eyes."

Am I sleeping? Why? That just doesn't make any since. I blink and when I open my eyes again the room is too bright.

"Oh, fuck you're really awake." I look towards the sound and see him standing there looking relieved. "Lucas"

I can't believe he is here. What the fuck happened?

"I'm so glad you are awake. You have no fucking idea."

"What happened?" and why does his eyes look red and puffy?

The look he gives me is full of pain. Why would he look like that? Did he cause whatever happened to me? My body tenses just from the thought of that.

"We were ran off the road Jaxon."

"I'm confused, ran off the road. Why? I don't understand."

"Let me get the doctor for you."

He squeezes my hand, and it feels like an electric pulse went through my whole body. Lucas gets up and then leaves the room. I feel my whole-body flush just from his touch.  I have been trying to get him out of my mind since that day with Stacy but now he is here. Did things change between us? I just don't understand. Lucas walks back in and comes over to me and cups my face. I feel the heat radiate through me and my pulse quickens. "You had me so fucking worried. The doctor will be right in, but there is something I need to do first."

"What's that?"

"This" he leans in and kisses me and by God it's like the first time we kissed, but this is so much more tender. I want to ask him what's going on, but he slides his tongue in my mouth and fuck I want more. I kiss him back and then I see flashes before my eyes of us on more than one occasion kissing more heatedly. I jump back from the kiss and Lucas looks at me confused.

"What the fuck was that Lucas?"

"What?" My irritation with the matter goes into overdrive. It feels like a sharp pain in my head, and I am only seeing certain things. Was that real or something I have been longing for?

"You know what Lucas! You fucking kissing me!" He staggers back like I just punched him hard in the gut, and bitch slapped him at the same time. "Last I remember you told me it would never fucking happen again!" I yell and grab my head because my head starts to pound. The door opens and my mom and dad rush in.

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