44. The Plan

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He sits at his desk hating the idea that he is hiding. When he knows damn well he should be out there taking what is rightfully his. It should have been so damn easy, but someone always fucks up the plan. Of course he would never put the blame on himself, he has too much pride for that. 

"Are the little shits back from their trip?"

The man that walks in the room is pissed because this is not what he wanted to be doing. He slams his hands down on the desk fuming.

"This is not what I signed up for Craig!"

"Well it's too fucking bad isn't it! You're in this just as bad as me and Sheila are. Where is the bitch anyways?"

"Why, so you can fucking drug her up again? Y-you have turned her into a fucking puppet."

I laugh because he doesn't realize they are all my puppets. If I didn't drug her up, she would run to Lucas in a heartbeat. She always had a soft spot for those damn brats, that's why I have kept her drugged up for years. Plus, it always helped that I threatened her with them every chance I got. I didn't go through all this to not get what I deserve. I had to put up with these morons for years to not get that company. It's worth more than any of their lives are worth put together.

"I can't do this Craig not anymore. I mean you set up an innocent man for their accident. If I had known you were going to have Lucas almost raped, I should have exposed you right then." I'm getting tired of this asshole thinking he's better than me. I stand up and walk towards him and grab him by his tie.

"Nathaniel deserved everything that is coming to him and more!" The man who once was a brother to me, I shake my head. "What did he ever do to you?"

"He took what was once mine! That's what the bastard did."

"I think you've completely lost it." He shakes his head again, and I'm getting really tired of his condescending attitude. I pull him by the tie a little harder. "If it wasn't for me, you little shit, you wouldn't have anything!" I shove him and he falls to the floor. He picks himself off the floor and shoves me back. I laugh because someone is finally getting a backbone, and this could become a major problem.

"Just tell me where she is! " I laugh in his face. "That is really funny, and why would I do that? Then you wouldn't do my bidding for me." I throw my arm around his shoulder and bring him closer to me. Now that I got cameras hidden in Lucas's house, I can watch his every move.

"So, here's the plan. You better make sure that you see it through."



I storm into the bedroom pissed. Fuck I didn't want to be up this early. Lucas opens his eyes and damn even when I'm mad he's still looks sexy as hell.

Stay focused, you are pissed off.

"Why are you yelling at six in the morning baby?"

"Oh, I don't know maybe because someone left the toilet seat up." He quirks an eyebrow at me and scoffs. "We're men Jaxon we always leave the toilet seat up. Now come back to bed."

"Well, we don't leave it up when we got to take a shit." Lucas eyes go wide and starts laughing. "Not fucking funny Lucas."

"Oh, but it is. Your ass fell in the toilet. You know there is such a thing as a light switch."

"Hardy har-har very fucking funny asshole." Maybe I should superglue the seat so next time he sits on it he has a little surprise. See how he will like it.

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