46. The Truth Comes Out

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How much more shit can Lucas take? I know he is on the verge of a breakdown. God, I hope it doesn't come to that. How can this asshole just not know he had children? I bring Lucas closer to me and he leans into my shoulder. "Are you okay with this babe?" Lucas looks up at me and I can see the conflict in his eyes. I bring him closer to me and hold him tight. "I need to know Jaxon, or I will go fucking crazy... literally." I kiss his head and he sit up as my mom speaks. "I want to confirm this with a colleague I know. I expect copies of all documents." She hands them back over to Jenkins. "I will get you those copies ma'am."

Lucas looks at his father, which is weird to say. "I need the truth, and I mean all of it Nathaniel."

Nathaniel clears his throat and takes a seat across from us. "Please call me Nate and I want to say if I had known about you and Kayla." He shakes his head and I see a tear slips down his face. "I knew your mother and Craig," he says his name with such venom, and he clenches his hands into fist. "We all went to high school together. Sheila was the love of my life. That is until Craig turned her against me."

"What was she like?" Lucas asks, "because the mother I know is a cold-hearted bitch." His hands shake and I put my hands on top of his again. Nate looks at us with a sad smile. "Your mother was the most caring person I know, until he got his hands on her."

"Bullshit!" Lucas jumps up and gets right in his face. "If she was the most caring person, she wouldn't have let that bastard hit me, beat me down!" Nate flinches but Lucas continues on. "Or her looking d-down on m-me because I'm gay." I see the tear slip down his face and I bring him into my arms. "H-how could a m-mother be so caring if she g-gave up her rights to her d-dying daughter?" I bring Lucas to sit down not next to me, but in my lap because he is so vulnerable right now. My mom rubs his back as I whisper, " I got you baby always."

Nate has tears streaming down his face. I can see there is pain his eyes. "Craig is a manipulative asshole. I'm ashamed to once call him my brother. We were best friends before I met Sheila, but once he knew what her family was worth. He did everything to break us up and in the end he did." He covers his face with his hands and shakes his head. " I was going to ask her to marry me." Lucas's head snaps up and looks at Nate. "Then why the hell didn't you?!"

He looks at Lucas and I can see the anger flare in his eyes. "That prick is why I didn't!  I cut all ties with him, and he ended up at a fundraiser we were at. I swear I only had one drink that night. I was looking for Sheila because she went to the bathroom but was gone a long time. I shouldn't have believed Craig when he told me where to find her." He wipes his face from the tears that are still wet on his face. "I should have looked for her but instead I listened to him. I went to the room we were staying at. Next thing I'm out cold, and when I wake up, I'm in bed with two women I have never seen in my life, and in walks Sheila. The look on her face I'll never forget. I begged and pleaded with her, but she wouldn't give me the time of day after that."

Lucas takes a deep breath and moves to sit next to me now that he is more composed. He grabs my hand and puts it in his lap. "So, mother must have been pregnant with me at the time." He nods his head, "but I didn't know. If I did, I would have been there." Lucas takes another deep breath and shakes his head, like he is trying to process all of this. "That doesn't explain how my sister is, I mean was your daughter too."

"Your mom called me up and said she needed to see me. I was surprised because I haven't heard from her in almost two and half years. Apparently, Craig convinced her to marry him. She said she needed to see me. When she met up with me well one thing led to another. Then she dropped the bomb on me." Lucas raises an eyebrow in confusion. "If you didn't know about us, what bomb could she have dropped."

"She had suspicion that he was drugging her. I begged her to leave him, but she refused. She said if she did, she was afraid he would track her down and kill her."

"Then why the fuck didn't you do whatever you could?" Lucas yells and I pull him to me again before he launches for Nate.

"I tried, I swear I did, but she just ran off and I went after her but then I was in a car accident. I believe it was Craig, I can't prove it, but I believe it was. After that I tried to call her, but her number had changed. I tried to find her but apparently you guys moved because she just disappeared. I kept the same number just in case she would call, but she never did. I'm sorry I failed you all son."

"Don't call me that! You have not earned that right yet. I don't know if you ever will."

"I understand but don't trust Craig or anyone around that company or anyone he knows. None of them can be trusted."

"That means you too." Lucas seethes at him and I don't blame him. I would have trust issues if I were him too. "I guess you can see it that way, but I would never hurt you. One day I hope I can earn your trust." Lucas turns to me, "take me home Jaxon. I just want to go home."

"Of course, anything you want." We get up as well as everyone else. Nate steps forward like he wants to hug Lucas but thinks better of it. "Lucas be careful. Craig will stop at nothing to get what he wants. That means trying to tear you two apart. Don't make the same mistake I did."

"I won't."

"Here's my number." He pulls out a business card and hands it to Lucas. "Call me if you need anything."


With that Lucas, my mom and I leave. I hold Lucas to my side afraid he is going to crumble. "I'll get you boys home and if you like I can come back later and make you a nice dinner."

"That'll be nice Kate, thank you."

"Anytime sweetie." I turn to look at my mom. "Just don't come barging in our room...ever again." Lucas chuckles and gives me that devilish grin. "I still need to hear about that story about how you barged in on him." We get in the car and my mom smiles at Lucas.

"Well, you see..."

I cover my ears and raise my voice as loud as I can. "La la la la la la!"

Lucas can never know about that. Talk about embarrassing.

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