This or that S.J

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"You're not driving! End of story!" Scarlett, my wife of three years, said as she took the car keys away from me.

"You know I get car sick if I don't drive. Robert's house isn't five minutes away, it's almost half an hour away." I tried taking the keys that she was hiding behind her back. Robert was hosting a party at his house and we were currently arguing about who was going to drive.

"You're pregnant! I'm not going to allow it." I was currently seven months pregnant after trying with IVF.

"Scarlett, it's going to be okay. It's either I drive, or you're going alone." I stared at her and eventually she gave in, putting the keys in my palm. Nobody messes with a pregnant woman.

The ride there was alright, there wasn't any problem and Scarlett was just worrying too much. Due to our argument, the party had already started when we arrived. Robert's wife, Susan, welcomed us in and brought us to the heart of the party.

"Scarlett! Y/N! I was thinking you weren't going to make it." Robert shouted as we walked closer to him.

"We were arguing about who's going to drive." I looked at Scarlett as I said. Robert knew I won the argument since he knows about my car sickness.

"Forget about it since you are already here! Have this." He passed me a champagne glass and my hand just magnetised with the stem without thinking.

"Robert!" Scarlett exclaimed, taking the glass away from me.

"Relax, it's a mocktail. It doesn't have any alcohol." He took the glass from Scarlett's hand and passed it back to me. "I save it just for Y/N. There's only one glass."

"Y/N! Scarlett!" I turned my head and saw Elizabeth coming with Sebastian.

"Hi Lizzie. Hi Seb." All of us formed a circle and crowded around in the corner.

"The baby is growing so fast!" Lizzie rubbed my stomach, amazed at how a human could be growing in such a space.

"Are you calling me fat?"


"I'm just kidding. It just shows that the baby is growing well." I patted her shoulder affirming that I was not offended by her statement.

The party continued and my feet were getting sore from standing for an extended period of time. "Scar, I'm going out to the backyard."

"Are you okay? Do you need me to follow you?"

"No, I'm okay. I just need some fresh air." I kissed her before leaving. There were some people in the backyard with their friends but it was a lot quieter. I could still hear the humming of the music but at least it wasn't booming in my ears.

I sat at the deck chair enjoying the wind while I tried to relax, coming to a party while seven months pregnant probably wasn't the best idea. Suddenly, I felt nauseous and sat up momentarily. I tried calling Scarlett but she didn't pick up her phone.

I felt another wave coming and I rushed to the washroom just in time before puking into the toilet bowl. All the energy drained from me as I rested my head against the wall. When I felt well enough, I tried calling Scarlett again but she didn't answer. That's another thing about Scarlett, she parties deep and you can never reach her.

I pushed myself up and started looking for familiar faces in the party and thankfully I saw Sebastian talking to Robert. I placed my hand on his shoulder and he turned around to look at me. "Can you help me find Scarlett?"

"Are you okay?" He placed down his drink and held my elbows to support me. I must have looked really pale if he was panicking. I nodded. "Just stay here with Robert, I'll go find her."

Minutes later, I saw Scarlett with Sebastian running behind her. "What's wrong baby? I'm sorry I didn't hear my phone ring."

"You can bring Y/N to the guest room, Scarlett." Robert advised.

"Thanks. Let's go baby." Carefully, she brought me to the guest room. I have been holding off another wave but the smell of alcohol coming from Scarlett made me feel a lot worse and I ended up running to the washroom again.

"What happened? You were fine earlier." Scarlett rubbed my back as I threw up again.

"I don't know. I just came suddenly. I'm not in any condition to drive back so I went to find you." I held onto Scarlett as I stood up and washed my mouth from the disgusting taste.

"It's okay, we can go back tomorrow. Don't worry about it." Scarlett passed me a towel to dry my mouth.

"Scarlett, as much as I need you here, the alcohol is really throwing me off." I pushed her slightly, creating a distance between us. I saw a face of realisation and she helped me to the bed before running off to find some mint.

"Are you feeling better?" I nodded, sleep catching up to me. "Just go to sleep baby, I'll be right here. I'm not going to leave." I felt her hand stroking my head as I drifted off.

Written on 1 Feb 2022
Posted on 2 Aug 2022

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