Problems S.J

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Your POV
I have been having some problems lately, I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want them to come true but they were occurring more frequently. Denial, the only thing I excel at.

We were having a holiday in Italy. It's been some time since we have a holiday as a family together. Someone would always be busy at work. Either mom or dad or I'll be having exams and I wouldn't be able to go.

My legs were hurting so I was lagging behind. With my right knees hurting, I was limping slightly trying to place pressure on the other leg instead. The others were pulling away, creating a distance between us.

Just then, mum turned behind and rushed me. "Come on Y/N, hurry up. Even Rose is walking faster than you."

In the past, when my leg hurts, I would tell mum and she would bring me to get checked. But now? I don't dare to tell her. I don't know if it's because I was scared of her or the results. Could be big, could be small, I don't know.

Sighing, I jogged up to them, trying to keep up to their pace.

Props to them for planning this holiday, we manage to see all the touristy and local stuff, a good mix of both.

Colin was setting up the camera on the tripod, trying to get us all in frame in front of the Colosseum. "Okay! Get ready!" He pressed the shutter and ran back next to Scarlett.



We crowded around the camera to see the photo that was taken. It looked amazing!! He really knows how to configure the camera to get the best picture.


Mum was helping Rose shower while I was scrolling through my phone on the couch. We had to wait for our turns because we were staying in a hotel and there's only one bathroom.

"Hey Y/N... Can I talk to you for a moment?" I looked up and dad was sitting at the other end of the couch.

"Yeah?" I sat up, giving him my attention but still facing the phone.

"I noticed that you have problem walking? Like it's not natural." He was a bit apprehensive going into this topic.

"I... My leg hurts a bit. It's no problem."

"You know you can tell me anything. I heard Scarlett shout for you earlier while we were walking."

I understood what he meant, but I don't think I'll be telling one anytime soon. Other places are also hurting but I didn't want to say. What if there was something wrong with me? Ignorance is bliss, they say.

"Just my knee problem. You know, from my CCA." I shrugged my shoulders. It was true, my right knee hurts occasionally when I walk or when I bend them for an extended period of time. It was like something was wedged in there.

Colin POV
I could tell she was holding something back but I didn't want to push any further and make her uncomfortable. "I just want you to know you can always come and find me."

"Thanks... I know I don't say this often but... I love you dad." I was stunned, we never said these three words often. I wasn't her biological father and I wasn't sure if she saw me as one. Before I could react and respond, she gathered her stuff and stepped into the shower just as Scarlett and Rose stepped out.

"Your daughter... she-"

"What did she do this time?" Scarlett asked irritatingly. I don't know if it was because of the long day or what made her mad.

"Nothing. Why are you so quick to assume she has done something wrong?"


"And earlier when you shouted for her to walk faster, did you know that her legs were hurting? That her knees were hurting?"

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