Tricky business pt2 N.R

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Natasha POV
Y/N was something different. It was obvious from the start that she wasn't what she appeared to be. She was clever, but not clever enough. She had left many different identities around for me to guess but it was obvious enough for me to see. Things on the internet cannot be trusted, but the people that appeared alongside her can.

Y/N was notorious for catching criminals and as much as she tried to stay away from the media, the people she acquired help from still stayed. All of them told me that she was a detective, a lawless one at that. She doesn't care if she has to scam or beat people to get what she wants.

She's interesting, she'll be my pawn to victory.

I was on my way to meet my boss. Apparently, they have started making plans to get to the tomb and acted on it by digging underground when he received an anonymous tip. Things were going well until someone told him Y/N leaked the information to the police.

We were gathered by the dock at night and I stood by the side of my boss as Y/N was dragged to the front and forced to kneel in front of him. "You must really like the police to be hanging around Detective Steve."

Y/N shook her head hastily as if she was accused. "I didn't- I didn't say anything."

He stretched out his hand and someone passed him his phone. "Explain this picture." He grabbed her chin and showed the picture in her face.

"He did come and find me, yes." She admitted. "But I didn't tell him anything Dreykov, you have to believe me..." She pleaded.

He signaled to the rest of his ladies and they kicked and punched him while trying to tie his hands and legs. Her grunts and pleading to stop cracked my heart and Dreykov did not seem to be stopping anytime soon.

"I was there, I didn't hear her say anything important to the Detective." I spoke up but he didn't seem to be letting up anytime soon. Things were getting more severe as a bag was getting put over her face.

"Wait wait wait!" She shouted. "I have evidence! I can prove it!"

"Stop." He ordered them to move back. I silently released my breath when she wasn't going to be thrown into the sea.

Y/N took a second to breathe before speaking again. "Take- take my phone. It has a recording."

"You're just delaying the inevitable." Dreykov said as he took her phone after searching her body. I watched as he went to the voice recording app and pressed on the only recording there was. The ladies were still holding onto her, ready to throw her in the sea.

From the recording, it was clear that Y/N was framed by one of the ladies that was under Dreykov. She wanted to frame Y/N and be able to rise to the ranks. The recording consisted of her speaking to Detective Steve about Y/N's plans to dig underground to get to the treasure.

"No no Sir it's not me. I did no such thing. I didn't meet Detective Steve." She defended.

"There's proof here, what else do you expect me to do?"

"I didn't meet him! I have no idea how she did it, but it's not me!" Dreykov isn't listening to her and instead of holding Y/N down now, they are holding Crystal and tying her hands behind her back.

"I believe this could be of use to you?" She held the rope towards them sarcastically, getting back at them. They took the ropes and tied her legs so she couldn't run away.

"I still want it to be done by this week. I want to see the treasure." Dreykov told her.

"You saw the video. As long as we manage to dig to the spot, we will be able to get it." Y/N said confidently as she patted the dust away from her clothes. Dreykov didn't say anything and left. I followed behind him after giving Y/N a quick smile. She shrugged her shoulders before getting ready to leave as well.

Your POV
We have been making preparations over the last few days getting the materials we needed such as shovels, explosives and chemicals. We set out base in one of the clubs and started digging. If we measured correctly, we were halfway done and were under the road.

"Y/N, this is concrete, we won't be able to dig through it." Mike said when he discovered the concrete block. "We have to use the explosive, there isn't time to go around it."

I gave it a quick think. The explosive makes a lot of sound and it's not easy to hide it. Unless...

"Give me one of the explosives. Wait for my signal." I took the dynamite from him and went to the streets. There weren't a lot of people in the afternoon so we could make it work. I went to one of the cars and planted the explosive there. Sorry for the car, I really am.

"On the count of 3. 1, 2, 3." I pressed the button and exploded the car at the same time Mike did underground. Before people could come and inspect the damage, I ran away and went to find Mike.

"Mike, are you okay? Did it work?" I asked as I entered the tunnel we dug.

"Yeah, all good." He gave me the thumbs up after coughing.

"Alright. Let's finish this, we only have a few hours left to reach there." The deadline was 10pm and we have roughly 7 hours left.

The other team members were getting ready for our arrival, putting the big banner up that was going to cover our exit.

Thankfully, it was raining when it was dark. And thanks to that it covers some of the sound and people were using umbrellas, trying to head home instead of busy looking at the construction site.

Dreykov and his team were already there waiting for us to appear. He was not amused when we were a few minutes late. Drilling a hole so that the pin can enter the concrete that was covering the coffin.

I gave Dreykov the go ahead and he dropped some ropes for me to attach to the pin so I could pull them out. Once they were secured, the machine started pulling them and inch by inch the coffin was revealing itself.

I was about to open the coffin but stopped halfway. "Do you want to do the honor?" I asked. He had people placed down a ladder and got down with me. "Go ahead."

He placed his hands under the cover and lifted them up. "What is this?" He shouted. "Where is it?"

"It was never there. Just needed to make sure you were the one who opened the coffin to catch you in the act." 

"How dare you trick me!" He stormed over to me and I gave him a free punch. Natasha jumped down from the top not using the ladders and stepped in front of me.

"You should thank her. I wanted to bury you in here." She said. "You kidnap girls and rob them of their innocence. You made them unable to enjoy the life that they deserve. Instead, they are doing the dirty job for you while you keep your hands clean."

I listened as she ranted. As they were talking, I climbed up the ladder and I heard a crack behind me. My mouth dropped to an 'O' shape when I saw him holding his bleeding nose.

"Natasha, you might want to stop unless you want me to file you for assault." I gave her a friendly reminder that a police officer was on the ground. She gave him one last punch before climbing up the ladder.

Once she was out, we took away the ladder so Dreykov would remain stuck inside while we waited for the police to arrive and detain him. It was still raining so the walls were slippery and he wouldn't be able to climb out.

"Don't forget to turn up at the station for questioning." I reminded her as she was going to be my witness for this instead of an accomplice.

"Is that a date?" She smirked.

"If you count sitting in an interrogation room in one." I looked at my phone checking the time when they would arrive.

"We can always go for the second after that." She shrugged her shoulders.

"Don't get ahead of yourself. Let's see if you satisfy me on the first."

Written on 2 Jul 2022
Posted on 29 Sept 2022

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