Mearry Me N.R

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Third POV
Y/N was at the age where she kept repeating the same phrase over and over again. Natasha wasn't even sure where she heard it from as no one around her was getting married or was recently proposed to. It has been years since her marriage with Maria and the only answer would have been the cartoon Y/N watches when Nat and Maria need some peace and quiet.

"Will you mearry me?" Y/N asked whenever she got the chance. Often she would get her favourite toy and present it to Natasha.

Seeing her child proposing to her so sweetly swelled her heart but she had to break her dear child's heart by saying that she was already married to Maria. Each time Y/N would pout with a dejected face, going back to her room with her offering.

Nat obviously told Maria of this and both of them felt that, while it was the most adorable things ever, it would stop after a few weeks as with other things that Y/N was obsessed with. But that didn't happen. Y/N was more determined than ever to get married with Natasha, her mum.

After many failed attempts, Y/N decided she needed more help. She went to Wanda to ask how she got proposed to. The witch was pleasantly surprised at the question that her niece presented to her. "Well, it was the spur of the moment. We were at the park walking after eating on our date. Vision purposely wore the shirt he was wearing on our first date and got down on one knee. It was really sweet. At that time it was just an aluminum can ring but of course he replaced it with the ring I am wearing now." Wanda showed Y/N the ring that rested on her left ring finger.

Y/N looked at it with adoration. But it brought up another problem. How was she going to get a ring? "But why are you asking this?" Wanda asked but Y/N was already running out shouting goodbye to her aunt and running into her mother's room. Surely there has to be something that she can use. While making a mess on her mothers' vanity table, she came across a ring. Did it belong to Nat or Maria? It doesn't matter. Y/N held it securely in her hands and ran off to find Nat.

"Mummy! Mummy!" Y/N chanted. Once she located Nat, she stopped whatever Nat was doing and demanded her attention.

"What is it baby?" Nat cooed and stroked her cheeks, trying to calm her child down. She knows Y/N hasn't eaten any sugar or sweets but her energy was still through the roof.

Y/N got down on one knee. "Will you merry me?" Y/N showed her the ring she found. Although it wasn't lined properly and the gem was tilted to one side, Nat recognised the ring immediately.

"Sweetie, where did you get this ring from? Isn't it mama's? Better put it back before she finds out." Nat said calmly while taking the ring from Y/N to make sure it wouldn't get lost somewhere. Y/N has the ability to misplace something as big as her stuffies.

"But... but... the poposal..." Y/N whined after yet another failed attempt.

"Mummy is married to mama. You're our baby." Nat explained once again. Never liking to see her child sad, she picked Y/N up and brought her back to their room where she kept Maria's ring in a safe space. "Movie?" Nat placed Y/N in the center of their bed before getting in.

"Moana?" Y/N said in a small voice and Nat immediately put it on the screen cuddling with her baby. There's nothing more she needs other than what she has in her life right now.

Both of them drifted off to sleep during the movie when Maria came back from work. Seeing the two girls that stole her heart washes off the tiredness of the day and the frustration that her coworkers gave her.

"Darling?" Nat mumbled when she felt the bed dip.

"Yeah it's me baby."

"How was work? Have you eaten? Should I make hot dinner for you?" Nat asked as she sat turn to face her wife.

"It's okay baby. I ate with the team today." Nat nodded at her answer. Y/N stirred slightly and turned to face Maria putting her tiny hands over her waist. "We should wake her up or she wouldn't be able to sleep tonight.


Nat was watching Y/N finish her snack when she moved from opposite to sit next to her. "Baby, you know how you always ask me to marry you? And I always told you that I'm married to mama?" Y/N nodded her head as she dipped her carrots into the ranch, not really in a mood to be talking about it. "Here." She pulled out her ring and gave it to Y/N.

Y/N gasped as she took in her hands. "Go on."

"Will you marry me?" Y/N asked delicately. Though she didn't know about the order of the steps as she placed it on her mother's finger before receiving her answer. Natasha chuckled as she nodded her head with a yes.

"What are you going to tell mama when she comes back?" Nat brought Y/N onto her lap and brought her snack closer so she could feed Y/N.

"I married mummy!" Natasha laughed at her child's enthusiasm. Their laughter filled the house and soon it was time when Maria returned home.

At the sound of keys at the door, Y/N jumped down from the couch as ran towards the door. Maria wasn't expecting a small force bumping her legs and looked down to see Y/N smiling widely and jumping at her. "Hey, how are you princess?"

"Great mama! I married mummy today!" She couldn't wait to tell her story. Rambling on and on at the door, how she gave Natasha the ring. Maria nodded showing interest but in reality they were still stuck in the doorway.

"Baby, let mama sit down." Nat helped her wife take off her coat and bag while she was carrying Y/N on her hips.

"Wow, then what makes me? I'm married to your mummy and you're married to her. But you're out baby at the same time. Do you want to marry me too?" Maria teased as she playfully squeezed her cheeks a few times successively.

"Noo, you'll be my best friend, mama." Maria laughed at the outright rejection. Natasha came back down after setting Maria's stuff in her office and hugged her wife from behind, resting her chin on her shoulder.

"Okay, okay. You love mummy a lot."

"Yes! I love her this much." Y/N stretched her arms as far apart as she could and crawled over to be with Nat. "I married my mama."

"Let's hope she doesn't go around saying that." Maria whispered. "I wouldn't know how to explain to others."

"You could just say that the girls in our family love me the most."

Written on 27 Nov 2022
Posted on 5 Jan 2023

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