Miscarriage pt2 N.R

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You absolutely shut down after that. After chasing Natasha out of the room, you laid on your bed sobbing for hours. Only when FRIDAY informed Wanda that you was on the verge of dehydration, she entered the room and attempted to calm you down. Still, it took her roughly half an hour before your cries turned into sniffles and resulted in hiccups.

Wanda looked at you as you slept in her arms, you looked so broken and devastated. Carrying them for about 5 months and the finish line was so close. Just another 4 more months and you could be holding your healthy baby in your arms. Instead, you were left with an empty nursery and an empty heart.

Wanda POV
My heart breaks seeing Y/N like this. Natasha may not have been able to prevent this, but if she was more supportive and actually listened to her wife's concerns, Y/N wouldn't have been this devastated.

I tucked her hair behind her ears and covered her up with the cover properly before kissing her forehead before heading out.

Once I stepped out of the room, Natasha was there waiting. "How is she?" She asked softly, sticking her head slightly through the window to see Y/N as if not wanting to be noticed by her. I've never seen her so small with her actions.

"Not good but not like you care anyway." I scoffed before walking off. The rest of the Avengers saw the interaction from the end of the hall and had to bite their lips to prevent saying anything.

A few hours had passed and I wanted to check if Y/N had woken up and bring her some lunch on the way. All the Avengers have eaten as we sat around the dining table not knowing what to say. It had hit us quite hard. Everyone was so excited to have a bundle of joy among us before it got snatched away.

I knocked on the door a few times but there was no reply, nevertheless I entered the room thinking she may still be asleep. Her bed was empty and she was not in the attached bathroom.

"FRIDAY, where is Y/N?" I asked the AI, slightly panicking that she might do something stupid.

"Ms Y/L/N has denied sharing of location." The AI responded.

"Oh fuck." I left the tray of food there and ran to search her room first. The door was locked meaning she was inside. "Y/N?" I asked softly once I took a deep breath, not trying to agitate her.

She didn't reply but I could feel that she's inside. "Y/N open the door please. You don't have to talk."

After a few minutes, I asked FRIDAY to unlock the door but again was denied access. I really need Stark to take away this feature instantly. "Y/N, I'm going to open the door with my powers if you don't let me in."

I thought scaring her would do the trick but there was still no sound coming from her room. FRIDAY said was not asleep so I was sure she heard all I had said. Informing her one last time, I used my powers to unlock the door but I was still unable to push it open.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, I was able to turn the doorknob all the way, why wasn't I able to open the door?

The sound of my shoulders making an impact on Y/N's door startled Steve. He came over to check what was happening and offered to open the door. Through repeated slamming on the door, we can hear that there was something on the other side of the door.

Finally, the door opened wide enough for my body to fit in. After thanking Steve, I went in to check on Y/N. Her vanity table was the one blocking the door hence the obstruction and difficulty of previous activity.

"You know, I'm surprised at the strength you have to move the table." I said as I used my powers to move the vanity table back to its original spot. She didn't reply and I saw her form of body under the covers continuously staring at the wall in front of her.

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