Unwell S.J (Req)

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Your POV
This morning I woke up feeling off. My whole body felt like there was another layer of skin on me. I looked towards the night table and saw that I had slept past my alarm. I woke up momentarily thinking I was going to be late but I didn't feel like going to school today. So instead, I plopped back down on my bed and went back to sleep.

Very easily, I went to sleep but a sudden wave of coldness shivered down my spine. "Get up! You're going to be late. I'm going to drop you at school." My mum shouted. I groaned, trying to find my cover blindly without opening my eyes.

"I feel sick, I don't feel like going to school."

"Don't try to get out of it Y/N. You're going to school, you're not going to be able to change that." She said before leaving my room. I let myself close my eyes for a moment until I heard my mum's footsteps coming closer again. I leaped out of my bed and rushed to the washroom pretending I have been there for some time already.

I brushed my teeth with my eyes closed and went to change as I heard mum rushing me from downstairs.

"God, finally. Hurry up, we are going to be late." She rushed once again as she took her car keys.

I didn't know if it was because she was rushing against time or it was because I was feeling unwell but I felt very queasy as I sat in the car as she accelerated and stopped each time. I was trying to take deep breaths and look into the distance to ease the feeling.

We managed to reach school on time and I said goodbye to her before heading in.

"You look awful." Crystal said. "I mean you usually look like you don't care about anything in the world but now you look dead."

"Geez, thanks."

Do I really look that bad? I guess I didn't take a good look at myself when I was washing up, I was too focused trying to sleep as much as possible.

"Cover for me." I told her as I rested my head on my arm. It wasn't a comfortable position but I'll take anything now. I avoided moving too much as I didn't want to gain any attention from the teacher.

However, I could feel something rising from my stomach and I slapped Crystal on the shoulder before darting out of class. I knew I wasn't going to make it to the washroom so I settled for the nearest bin.

I threw my guts out until the teacher came out to check on me. "Honey, I don't think you're fit for class today. Why don't you go clean up while I tell the office to call your mum?" I nodded my head before walking to the washroom.

"Since when did you acquire the ability to stand and sleep?" I heard Crystal's voice and looked at her through the mirror.

"Just. A really useful skill really."

"Ms White told me to bring you to the office. Your mum is coming."

Scarlett POV
I had just settled down for makeup not too long until I saw someone calling my phone. I did not save the phone number but it looked familiar so I picked it up.

Is this Ms Johansson speaking?


Hi, I'm calling on behalf of the school to inform you that Y/N Y/L/N had fallen ill and we would appreciate it if there is someone able to pick her up.

Is she okay?

According to Ms White, she's fine but it will be better if she stays at home and recuperates.

Alright. I'll come pick her up soon.

Apologising to the makeup artist, I went to find the director and producer hoping that my scene wasn't the first to be shot. Bless my luck that they said I had time to pick Y/N up from school so I hopped into my car immediately.

Natasha/Scarlett one shot 2Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum