You're the best mother S.J

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Your POV
After Elliot and I came back from the park I immediately carried him into the bath to prevent getting the dirt on his body all over the floor and the furniture. He was giggling all the way even as I shed his clothes

"You had fun today?" I asked after I had washed his hair and allowed him to play with his toys in the bath.

"Yes! Can we go again tomorrow?" He asked hopefully, giving his puppy eyes.

"We'll see buddy." I try not to promise him anything that I can't be sure of. I let him play a few more minutes alone as I went to get the towels and his clothes ready. Recently, he was obsessed with Cars so I took the shirt with the red racing car on.

"Come on Elliot, time to get out." I placed my arms on the side of the bathtub waiting for him. I've been trying to make him do things on his own and sometimes when it gets bad, it involves me walking away to prevent myself flaring out.

Thankfully, he came out peacefully on his own after a few more splashes with his duck.

I wrapped the fluffy blanket around him and dried his body before putting his clothes on him. "There's my handsome boy." I cooed as his head popped out from the collar. "Alright go play with your toys. I'm going to make dinner."

"I want your special mac & cheese mummy." Elliot requested.

"Alright, since you're such a good boy. Have fun." I ruffled his short hair before leaving him alone in the room.

I get started by boiling the water and getting all the ingredients needed for the mac & cheese. I didn't notice Scarlett came back until she wrapped her arms around me and kissed my cheek.

"Hey darling, I didn't hear you enter." I caressed her hands giving her my attention.

"I tried calling for you but you weren't responding. Where's Elli?"

"Sorry. Elli is in his room."

"Alright. I'll greet him, change and come down to help you." I nodded before getting the prawns ready. The mac & cheese was ready as I poured it in a bowl. After frying the prawn, I placed the prawn on top of the mac & cheese before adding the breadcrumbs on top to put it in the oven.

Scarlett poured as she came down and I raised an eyebrow at her expression. "I wanted to help you, but you're already done."

"You can help set the table, my love. I'm going to get Elliot ready. When the oven rings, you can take it out. Thank you."

"Or... we can just stay here and call Elliot when it's ready." She suggested.

"Scar..." I dragged out. I kissed her before pulling away. "That's all you're going to get for now."

She huffed and stormed off to set the table while I went to Elli's room.

"Elliot, can mummy come in?"

"Yes!" He screamed and I saw that he had built a racetrack from his bed to the floor. He beckoned for me to go over and I sat next to him. "Mummy, press this button here and the car will zoom to the floor there!" He pointed towards the end with the checkered flag.

"Alright, press the button and we'll head down for dinner."

"Okay! Mummy press it!" He excitedly got out of bed and sat at the finish line.

"Here it comes!" I pressed the bright orange button to release the car from its hold and it followed the track and smashed the finish line, popping out a flag at the end.

"Yay!!!" He excitedly screamed and took the car before running to me again.

"Shall we pack and head down for dinner?" I asked knowing the mac & cheese would be done.

"Can we pack later?"

"Okay, but you must pack after dinner alright?" I gave him the authority to make decisions himself. He nodded, thrilled that he could do it later.

"Mama!!" He jumped into Scarlett's arm when he saw her plating his share on his plastic plate.

"Hey handsome, so happy for dinner?" She managed to put the spatula down in time to catch him.

The dinner went really well and interesting as Elli babbled about the things that he saw throughout the day and the philosophical things that came to his mind such as why is the sky blue and he was really testing our science knowledge that we returned to our teacher long ago.

After wiping Elli's mouth clean of the cheese, he jumped out of his chair and ran towards the TV.

"Elliot." I said sternly, causing him to turn and look at me. He looked at me confused at why I called him when he didn't do anything wrong. "What did we say earlier?"

He scrunched his nose thinking until I saw the bulb light up. "Sorry mummy, I forgot." He placed the remote down and walked towards me.

"It's okay. That's what I'm here for - to remind you." I stroked his hair when he came to hug me and apologised. "Come down when you're done, and we'll watch a movie."

"You're the best mother ever." Scarlett came with the blankets and pecked my cheek.

"I just try my best. You're great too, he loves you a lot. When we were at the park today, he kept talking about you."

"After I'm done with this project then we have more time together." We spent some time together in each other's embrace after missing each other for the entire day.

Scarlett POV
Elli came down after packing his room and squeezed in the space between Y/N and I. I squeezed his cheeks together and he squealed trying to push my hands away while Y/N tickled his torso. His laughter filled the house, putting a smile on our faces.

"Mama, Mummy please..." He managed to get out and with a glance at Y/N we let our hands go at the same time.

He let out a loud breath when he was finally allowed to breathe normally. "I couldn't breathe." We chuckled at his words and Y/N passed him the remote to choose a movie. After a few minutes of choosing, he settled for Rio and cuddled together with him in the middle.

Halfway into the movie, Y/N shuffled away and stretched Elliot's leg out so she could place her head on Elli's lap. Initially, he squirmed a bit, slightly unsettled with the feeling that he was experiencing. I watched as he slowly relaxed and stroked his mother's head like we do for him. He continued his actions while watching the movie and occasionally kissing Y/N's head.

"You're such a good boy." I whispered next to his ear and he grinned as wide as possible.

"I don't mind Mummy doing this but my legs are feeling prickly..." He said with a sad look on his face. I took a look at Y/N and noticed she was sound asleep. Her day must have been filled with a lot of exciting activities to drain her.

"Since the movie's finished, it's your bedtime." I told him and stood up. After grabbing a pillow, I slowly lifted Y/N's head as Elli scooted out and replaced it with the pillow. "Alright, let's go." I whispered and Elli just lifted his arms up wanting to be carried.

"Up we go!" He whined when we started walking away and I saw that he was stretching his arm towards Y/N. "I haven't give Mummy a goodnight kiss."

"Oh silly me, how could I forget." I walked back and bent down so Elli could kiss her forehead while I was still holding him. "Sweet dreams, Mummy." He said as he stroke her head. He really takes over Y/N's traits and personality.

Once I tucked him in bed, he also gave me a goodnight kiss. "Love you, Mama." He said tiredly as he yawned.

"Me too, sweet dreams." I kissed his forehead and made sure he was nice and warm before leaving his room.

When I returned to the living room, Y/N was still there sound asleep and didn't move a muscle when I carried her up to our room. I placed her under the covers and got in myself and pulled her close to me, her scent relaxing me instantly.

"I love you more than I could count."

Written on 26 Jul 2022
Posted on 15 Oct 2022

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