To say goodbye N.R

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Second POV
William just finished his night shift at the hotel during a lunar eclipse where the hotel usually had a huge influx of customers on that day. He returned to the apartment to see Nat packing her luggage in a hurry and knew something was wrong as she was stuffing clothes randomly without folding. For a woman of order, this never happened. He also noted that she was mumbling something under her breath as she paced around.

"What's happening?" He asked.

"Y/N got into an accident. I got to get to Florida. I just booked a flight, I have to leave now." Anyone could tell she was panicking - she was speaking in short sentences to get across her point. "I gotta stay there until she gets better. Help me tell Stark."

William widened his eyes as Nat looked for her car keys. He saw you standing there with tears in your eyes and blood on your shirt as you looked at Nat.

You see, William was not an ordinary person. He used to be, but ever since his boss gave him a special gift, he started being able to see ghosts. It was part of his boss's scheme to get him to work at her hotel - one that was specially created for ghosts to stay before they get sent to heaven or hell.

He knew from the moment that he saw you he had to take action. The day was almost ending and there wasn't any time left. This was the only day humans can see ghosts too.

He grabbed onto Nat's wrist when she was leaving. "It's too late." He said softly.

"What are you doing? Let me go! I don't have time to waste." Nat shouted at him and made him release his grip on her.

"You won't be able to see her if you go."

"What are you talking about? It's not too late. I can still see her." She rushed out of the house.

"Nat!" William went to grab her again. "If you come to our hotel now, you can meet her." He snatched her luggage away from her hands and pushed Nat into his car while Nat was protesting.

"Just trust me! I'll explain to you later. There's not enough time left." He looked at his watch and the sky to see the lunar eclipse still on display. He left the car in front of the lobby and dragged Nat in. While passing by the bellboy, he told him that a lady would come in and get her dress up before bringing her to the terrace behind the bar.

"What are we doing here?" Nat said. She was getting frustrated that she wasn't going to the airport.

"That doesn't matter now. You only have a few minutes left of the lunar eclipse. Y/N is going to come soon. I'll explain to you later." William brought him to the terrace and Nat noticed it was a very tall building. It looked to be the tallest building almost reaching the clouds, it could even compete with the Burj Khalifa but no human had ever seen it in their life. Surely there would be news on the papers for such a tall building.

"What is this?"

"This is a very special hotel..." He took a deep breath. "It's... a hotel for the dead."


"I don't have time to explain but you can also see the dead during a lunar eclipse. So... you only have a little time to say goodbye to Y/N."

"What?... Stop joking around, how could she come here?" She chuckled dryly.

"Because she is dead."

The abrupt silence covered the duo as Nat took in the information.

"Nat, because Y/N is dead." William didn't want to be the one to tell his friend like this but it was the only way for Nat to say goodbye to you.

Nat was still in denial until you turned up on the terrace all dressed and clean. William left to give the two of you some privacy and you walked closer to Nat. She could only stay rooted in place as her head followed you along.

"I'm sorry... I surprised you like this." You said with your voice on the edge of cracking. Nat stared at you like you were a piece of artwork or she was getting hypnotised. You reached out your hand and stroked her cheeks for her to realise that you were really there with her.

"Don't cry too much for me." You said as tears were threatening to flow out. "I lived a happy life thanks to you... You..." You took a deep breath and blinked back your tears. "You... were the best part of my life." You sniffed.

Nat took your hand as she looked at you. She was trying to stay tough for you during the limited time that she was getting. "My awesomely beautiful love... goodbye." Nat went forward to hug you as you were beginning to fade as the lunar eclipse was over. She only got a brief second of hug before you were gone.

Nat tried to look around for you but she couldn't see you. You were still standing there but she couldn't see you and was probably moving through your body.

Nat tried really hard not to cry as she kept her mouth shut but when she opened her mouth to breathe, she let out the most heart wrenching scream for the loss of the love of her life.

Such sudden death leaves those who are left behind in great sorrow.

Written on 11 Jul 2022
Posted on 1 Oct 2022

Inspired by Hotel Del Luna Korean Drama (ep 11) towards the end of you want to check that part.

The drama was a lot more sad with the music.

I read another one shot that featured dead Nat talking to Wanda for a limited time called 'Last Dance' if I remembered correctly and it reminded me of this show so I decided to write it.

Natasha/Scarlett one shot 2Where stories live. Discover now